Chapter Nine

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Two weeks later

Violet's POV

Genevieve's condition is starting to worry me, she's been sick every morning for the last fortnight. She says it's probably just stress or something she ate, never do I believe her. Today Mother is coming, she may be able to find out what's wrong with her. "Artemis." I say softly, Gen and Castor stand next to me. She appears quickly and smiles at us, her smile quickly changes into a look of deep concern.

"Gen, you've been ill."

"I'm fine mother, it's just stress."

"No sweetheart it's not."

"What do you mean?" I ask. Mother approaches Gen and places her blue tinted hand on Gen's stomach. She gasps softly and begins to grin happily. "What is it?"

"You're pregnant! With twins." She begins to bounce around the room beaming brightly. "Oh, two more months and we'll have little Gen's running about."

"Two months?" Gen says softly before turning white and dropping like a stone to the floor, "I don't understand.." she's about to carry on before she sprints out the door. We hear her vomiting, every time it makes me cringe.

"You children need to move on, only for one or two generations. Because if the father of the children finds out you won't be able to leave and they'll find and execute you."

"We were planning on moving soon anyway." Gen says as she comes back in, "I'm sorry for causing trouble."

"No, don't think like that. We are going to have so much fun, let's go to France!" I say excitedly. I wave my hand and the whole house is packed up, "To the vacation home." I say using an announcer voice, I wave my hand again and everything is transported to France. Just as we are about to follow on someone knocks on the door.

Me and Gen cringe at the thoughts of the person behind the door, Terrence. "No." Gen says softly.

"Do you want me to get it?" I ask, trying to save my sister from extra heartbreak.

"No I'll go."she walks over to the door and opens it, "Hello Terrence."

"Milady." He says comically, just as he's about to kiss Gen, she pushes him away, a pained look on her face.

"I can't do this anymore, I have to leave. I'm sorry."

"I'll come with you." he pleads desperately.

"You can't, me, my sister and Castor must go. I'm sorry."

"You're taking him but not me."

"He's family." her voice cracks and her eyes well up. "I'm sorry but I have to go." she closes the door and slides down to the floor. She sobs loudly, this is the most vulnerable I've seen her in a millennia. I slide down on the right side of her and embrace her, Mother does the same on her left side. She continues to cry for a few minutes before returning to her normal self. "Let's go." she says her voice still croaky from crying. Ten seconds later we arrive at the holiday home. "I'm going to get some rest, I'll see you for supper." we watch as he walks upstairs her hand rubbing her swollen stomach.

I grimace at the pain she must be going through, he may not have been her mate but she still loved him. And when she loves, she loves deeply, that's why when that person gets torn from her life it makes her dive into depression. She's pregnant with his children, must be a frightening prospect that they will be a constant reminder of that one that she loved. What happens when she finds her mate? Will he accept her and her children? Or just her?

I walk over to my art room, which looks out upon a gorgeous lake that I've drawn a million times. This time I choose to draw what I think Gen's children will look like, I draw a small brown haired boy with her blue eyes and a young blonde haired girl with hazel eyes the same as Terrence. I smile at my painting before hanging it on the wall with my other drawings. "Supper." Gen shouts from downstairs. We all join her in the dining room and take our seats. "Stop watching me like I'm going to snap. I'm in control."

"Are you sure? It's been a traumatic day."

"Vi, I understand your concern. But I'm okay. I'm actually quite excited, you know I love children."

"Yes, it's just the loss of Terrence and finding out you're pregnant with twins."

"I know, but I'll be okay. Please treat me like me, not like a out of control wolf." she pleads.

"Okay, but we will be keeping close eye on you."

"Yes, I understand."

Two Months Later

"Push." the midwife screams at Gen, how on earth is that supposed to help?

"Stop screaming." I say to the midwife, she glances at me before looking at my sister on the bed. Gen watches me, I grab her hand a squeeze it softly. "Are you okay?"

"I'm pretty sure you've inflicted worse than this." She says through a laugh, before pushing again. The top of the baby's head appears, a head of dark brown hair. She pushes again and the baby begins to cry.

"That's one, it's a boy." Gen beams brightly and watches intently as he is wrapped in a cloth and handed to Mother. "The next one's on it's way." Gen nods and pushes again, this goes on for five more minutes before a gorgeous girl with bright blonde hair arrives.

The midwife hands the baby to Gen, Mother does the same with the other. Gen tears up and hugs them closer to her. "Hey." she says softly.

"What are their names?" Mother asks.

"Luke Terrence and Annabelle Rose. I've been thinking about it for awhile." she says a huge grin.

"Can't you name one after me?" Castor asks playfully.

"You can be their uncle." Gen says laughing.

"I'm good with that." she cradles her children for a bit longer before placing them in their crib, she brushes their cheeks with her finger before lying back on the now clean bed.

"You're going to be a great mother," I say as I lay down on the bed next to her.

"I don't know about that, but you have to promise me something."

"Of course."

"When they're ready you must teach them to fight, any enemies we may gain will use them to get to us. I refuse to let my children get hurt because of things we've done."

"I wouldn't have it any other way, they'll be home schooled won't they?"

"Yes. I want them to know a lot, and those ridiculous humans are useless when it comes to it."

"Brilliant point sister, get some sleep. We'll see you in the morning." I say softly. Mother kisses our foreheads and disappears from view.

"Well done boss." Castor says before sprinting through the door.

"Do you like his new power?" I ask.

"Oh you mean his odd ability to become invisible and scare the hell out of us? I loathe it." we laugh for a little while, before Gen becomes tired and begins to drift off. I give her a quick hug before skipping back to my room.

"Hello Violet." a familiar gravelly voice says from the dark corner. Oh crap....

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