Chapter Ten

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Genevieve's POV

'Genevieve I need you in my room, preferable properly dressed.'

'On my way.'

I stand up quickly and use my powers to get dressed, I transport myself to outside Violet's room and listen. "You need to leave, now." Vi says, anger in her tone. 

"Now why would I want to do that?" As soon as his voice hits my ears I cringe. I kick open the door and meet the eyes of the cold blooded killer situated in the middle of the room. Anatoly Venedocia an Ancient Vampire. 

"What is it you want Anatoly?" I ask coldly. 

"So you do remember me?" 

"You expected something different? We let you off with a warning, do you really want to test us again boy?"

"Maybe, although I'll settle for some... alone time with Violet." he walks towards her and touches her face. 

"Get your filthy hands off of me." Violet take his hands and snaps his wrists with ease. He cries out in pain alerting Castor. He rushes in to see us handling the situation, he smiles and drops into the chair at the end of the bed. 

"Or, I could take something important from you. Luke and Annabelle I believe are their names."

"Touch one hair on my children's heads and you're dead." 

"Technically I'm already dead." His cold tone, fuels my anger. I launch myself at him, we roll around on the floor for a bit before he throws me off. We stand opposite each other, both in a fighting stance. He attacks first, I block his hit and punch him in the stomach. He bends over in pain giving me full access to knee him in the face, his nose starts to bleed causing him to choke a little bit. I kick him in the groin and bring out my canines, I bite him in the neck injecting werewolf venom into his system. "You bit me."

"Well done. Put him in a cell, I don't want him leaving. Besides, I want to watch his slow and painful death." I grab his chin in my hand and force him to look me in the eye, "This is your punishment for threatening my children. I hope you had a nice life, because it'll be at an end rather soon. Take him away."

Castor and Vi take him by his arms and drag him to a cell. I clean up quickly and check on the twins, Luke watches me curiously. I pick him up and cradle him to my chest, I glance at Annabelle's sleeping face before looking back at Luke. His eyes begin to close, his hand wrapping tightly around my finger. I brush my palm over his brown hair that he got from his father, the thought of Terrence brings tears to my eyes. 

I place Luke back in the crib and wipe my eyes quickly. "Is it done?" I ask Violet who appears at the door. 

"Yes, he's in cell 3. He'll be dead during tomorrow's early hours, you put a lot of venom into his system."

"He deserves it." I hear a loud whimper from downstairs and smile evilly, "Sounds like he's having fun."

"You know sis sometimes you scare me." Vi says playfully. I smile and give her a quick hug, "Get some sleep Gen, that's enough drama for one night." I nod tightly and climb under the covers. I look at the stars out the window and sleep quickly overcomes me.

The Next Day

"Come on, let's go enjoy the sun. We're in France, let's have fun for once." Violet says whilst packing a bag for the day out. 

"Fine, but the children have to come. Which means Castor, you're my husband for the day."

"Gross." he says through a laugh, before shrugging on his jacket. I look down at my grey corseted dress, wishing for a more comfortable time. I put on my black boots and place the twins in the basket. 

"Let's go." Violet says excited and unbolts the front door. She dashes down the front steps and waits for us to follow, I put a wedding band on my finger before passing one to Castor. He slides it on and walks down the steps. We all climb into the carriage and arrive in the town twenty minutes later. We step down and many curious eyes turn to us, me and Vi are used to this but Castor is not. I smile at his awkwardness and continue to walk down the street towards our favourite bakery. We all order some tea and a piece of cake before taking a seat at the rickety table in the corner.  

I watch the people walk around outside, one in particular catches my eye. Bloodsucker, obviously looking for our recently departed Anatoly. "Give me a moment, watch the twins for me." they nod and watch as I step out onto the cobblestone pavement. I walk quickly over to the Vampire and stop in front of him, "Looking for someone?" I ask innocently. 

"Yes, I am actually." he pulls a painting of Anatoly from his pocket, "You haven't seen him, have you?"

"Yes I have, Anatoly Venedocia. An Ancient Vamp, I believe he passed away this morning."

"You psychopath." he spits out. I push into his mind to find out who he is, I search for a few seconds before finding a name, Adam Ivanov. Russian Vamp, three hundred years or so old. And had a deep loathing for Anatoly

"Perhaps, but you must admit you wanted to do it too, didn't you Adam?"

"I don't know how you know any of that. Who are you?" 

"My name is Genevieve Adair. You are Adam Ivanov, I understand you wanted to kill him but there is nothing you can do now. I want you off my territory by the end of the week or you will join him. Understand?" 

"Yeah, yeah of course." 

"Good, it was nice meeting you. Perhaps our paths will cross again someday." he nods again and Vamps off in a random direction. I walk back over and take my seat again. 

"What was that about?" Vi asks quietly. 

"He was looking for Anatoly, he was a nice kid. We'll probably see him around some day." I smile and take another drink of my tea. 

"What makes you think that?" Castor asks.

"I just have a feeling." 

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