Chapter Eight

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Genevieve's POV

"You're absolutely terrible at this." I shout at Castor, he squares is shoulders and pounces on Vi. She rolls him over and slams him against the floor. 

"You weren't any better sister." Vi shouts back.

"I was seven!"

"Seven? Seriously?" Castor demands. 

"Hey, Vi was three. Count yourself lucky." 

"Ugh. Let's go again." Vi says to Castor, he gets up from the floor and gets into a fighting position. He launches himself at Vi and gets a few decent hits in before Vi gets the upper hand and floors him once again. "That was a bit better. You're getting the hang of it, sort of." I grin and help Castor off the floor while Vi has a drink. 

"Don't worry, once you get the base moves she'll treat you a lot better. Trust me." he smiles at me before taking his leather gloves off and putting his shirt back on. "Lunch shall be ready soon, be at the dining table by one." they nod and head off to their respective rooms. 

Half an hour later we are all gathered around the table eating soup. "What else are we doing today?" Castor asks. 

"Well we have to deal with a pack in the country side, they just attacked some humans that crossed on to their territory. They broke the rules that me and Vi have fought for, for over a thousand years." 

"Why do you care about humans?" 

"They're weak and defenceless, they need to be protected. Especially from wolves." Vi says. 

"I don't understand why did they go against your rules? You can be terrifying."

"Yes but they do not know us in person, their grandparents did. But this new Alpha he's young, impulsive. His aggression is added to the feral natures of the pack's wolves, thats why they follow him. Their pack is a bomb waiting to explode, if we let them carry on this way they will turn on the humans instead of protecting them. They could wipe out the whole of London."

"Okay, so are we going to kill them or command them?" Castor asks.

"Since I'm technically the Alpha of Alpha's, so I'll go with command and if they go against it we'll have to wipe out another pack."


"A while back, a pack in further north they went against every rule we'd ever made. Went against our mother and everything she believes in so they had to go. We had to make another pack in their absence." I check the time to see how long it is until we leave. "Five minutes to prepare then we leave." they nod and walk away to get ready.

Five minutes later, we are all in the lounge ready to visit those who went against us. We transport ourselves outside the gate and wait for them to open. "We've got visitors, doesn't look like a threat." a man shouts, his gravelly voice reaching us quickly. The gates open and I walk in first, the other two following on behind. 

Those we walk past snarl and growl at us, trying to intimidate us. I roll my eyes at their immaturity before waiting in the courtyard for the Alpha to turn up. A few seconds later he arrives with the same cocky smile as the one before. "Well hello there." he says grinning, he reaches his hand out to touch my arse. I turn my smile sultry, that seems to encourage him. Just before he reaches my butt, my smile turns to a scowl. I grab his hand and twist his wrist sharply.

"It seems I was right about you. I'm here to remove you from power." I say coldly. 

"Yes I'm sure someone like you could take me on." 

"You people are all the same, assuming that women are lesser than you. It's been like that for the last one thousand years."

"How would you know that?" 

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