Chapter 3

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" talking out loud"

"Bold thinking"


*unknown man pov*

I ran as fast as I could to were I hear cars and people yelling. When Embry pick up charlie and the girl backpack. I look down at the girl to see if she still awake and she slowly closing her eyes. I yell to her to keep them open but by the looks of it she didn't hear me. "This is bad if she doesn't get help soon she could die" I mumble. I pick up my speed to get there faster and hopeful she will make it. As soon as I thought about it I see people by the street with police men and paramedics . "Over here this girl and charlie needs help and fast" I yelled out. Soon as I said that they rushed over and the paramedics got to work on her and charlie as they ask us questions on what happened. Me and Embry answer what we could and left to tell billy and the pack that charlie will be okay. Also that a girl saved charlie and not doing to good that she would be lucky to live.

*time skip 4 months have past*

*Lee pov*

I open my eyes only to close them again by the bright light. I open them again and look around to see i'm in a hospital room. I tried to talk but,nothing came out. 'What why cant I speak anymore what's wrong with me'. Right when I finished thinking that a lady came in. 

"Oh my your wake I must tell the doctors!" "I'll be right back miss" and she ran out just as fast as she came in.

"what happened and how long have I been in here for". The door opened again and a nice man came in. He had blond hair pale skin and golden brown eyes. 

"Hello miss I am Dr. Cullen as you must know that you been asleep for four months now." 

"What I been asleep for that long!!!!! Wait now I remember I tried to save that man!".

"All of your wounds are closed fully but they did leave scares i'm sorry." I tried to speak again but still nothing came out. Mr Cullen seemed to see that and grab a clip board. "It tells me that your voice box had been damage when you got hit they will work but only when there fully healed." "Even when they are healed you have to work your voice to get it back." I just nod my head sadly. "My I ask you some questions miss and you can write them on here." I nod my head again for the last time hopefully. "Okay what's your name?" 

'Lee blackwell' 

"okay what your age?" 

'I'm 15 at the time' 

"okay were are your parents?" 

"I miss them even if they were never there for me" 'there dead they died four months and five days ago.' 

"Oh I am sorry to hear that lee." "Well that's all I wanted to ask for now but you have a visitors that would like to see you is it okay if I send him in?" 

'Yes I don't care :3.' He left soon after only for the man I saved came in. 'Oh hello charlie how are you doing?'  

"Wait you cant talk!?" "I'm sorry its all my fault that you cant talk any more" he said looking down ashamed. 

'Hey this is not your fault charlie I new this could happened if I jump in to save you so don't worried to much about it okay?!' He smiled at what I wrote down. 

"Oh what are your parents name?" "I tried to look for a missing person but none pop up." 

'There dead they died four months and five days ago sir.' "

Oh i'm sorry it must have been hard for you to answer that." 

'No its okay Mr. Cullen ask me the same question not to long ago.' 'Also i'm over them don't get me wrong! I still love them its just they were never really there for me.' 

"Oh I see my I ask how they died?" 

'They were on there way home and the plane they were in crash landed no people were reported alive.' 

"That bad i'm sorry to hear that." 

'My I ask were am I going to go?' 

"You can stay with me umm I mean if you want I do have to repay you back and you look like a good kid." 

'Thank you I would like to stay with you charlie.' "He smiled so big right when I said yes." 

"You can call me dad if you want you will be my daughter soon."Well only if thats okay with yo." 

'Okay dad also when will I be aloud to leave?' 

"Right know I just need to sign some papers." 'Okay i'll be here waiting when you get back.' 

"Oh before I forget Sam and Embry are going to stop by in a second i'll be back" dad said as he kiss my head and left. 

"Hehe dad was right not a second he left they came in." 

"Oh your awake now are you okay?" "Does anything hurt?" 

'Ya i'm okay but, may I ask for your names plz mine is lee Blackwell swan.' "Hmm he seemed so sad when he sees me writing I wonder why?" 

"You can talk i'm sorry kid" he said as he sat down on my hospital bed. 'Why are you sorry you did nothing wrong.' 'Also if you didn't run me to were ever you went before here I could have died right there.' 

"Heh you now what kid your not so bad yourself." "Taking on that bear to save charlie now that was brave." I smiled happily at that. 

'Thanks no one said that to me before so thanks.' 

"No problem kid so i'm Sam this is Embry." 

'Nice to meet you two I hope to see you more.' 

" I'm sure you will after all me and Embry want to make sure you are fitting in well when you go to school." 

'Yay I get to see my hero's more ~(^.^)~ .'"They just laugh at my little drawing at the end but smiled when they read that they are my hero." Charlie opened the door again with a big smile on his face. "Okay Sam Embry plz leave so lee can change into the clothes that she has in her backpack." "Also lee when your done just ring that bell and i'll come in and walk you out to your new home." 

'Ok dad i'll be done and out soon.' 

"Okay" he shut the door and I get up. I guess I got up a little to fast because I fell over. "Oops" I get back up and walk over to my backpack to get dressed. As I was getting dress every thing hit me. "How I the world did I get into TWILIGHT!!!!!!"

Bye my lovely little pandas ~(^.^)~

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