Chapter 11

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Lins POV

I look at the black wolf who was supporting me. I softly petted its head‚ I smiled and nodded my head. I pick up my bag before I look at the black wolf how was walking behind me. 'Do you know were I am? 'He back up before he bent down. I walk over to him before carefully climbing onto his back. I grab a hand full of fur as he and the others shot off into the woods. I pressed my face into his fur as he stop by a cliff. I look down at the black wolf confusion clear on my face. He bent down for me to get off, I climbed off of him and he turned me around with is head for me to see a house. This is Sam's house? Oh wait I see Sam the black wolf how could I forget ( -.-''') .  I snap out of my thoughts and the wolves run off.  I sign shaking my head before starting off to Sam's house. After a little bit of walking and falling I made it to the front of Sam's house. I walk up to the door and knocked softly before the door swings open to see a vary angry and tired Sam.  The look went away after he seen my face.

"Lee" Sam ask before he pulled me into a hug. "Where were you do you know that we have search parties looking everywhere for you." Sam yelled shaking me but not to hared. He stop before he fell onto his knees he hug my waste. "We where so scared we thought you were kidnapped or you were killed" Sam said more calmly. I look down before mouthing I'm sorry. I need to call Charlie and tell him I found you but, he will not be back until 4 hours because he left just a couple of minutes ago to pick up Bella. My eyes widened as Sam mentioned Bella was coming.

I though that she wouldn't come until latter. Damn it that means everything is going to shit soon.

"Lee......LEE!!!!" Sam yelled.

I snap my head  up as Sam yelled my name again. Hmm i hummed

"I called your name for 5 minutes now what's going on in that head of yours. You know what don't answer that I don't want to know. Anyway Charlie said that you are in a lot of trouble but he's glad that your safe and sound. But for now lee you need to bathe and you need new clothes because those aren't going to work. Come with me my wife can help you with this problem. By the way don't worry about wearing girl clothes you can wear my old clothes from when I was a teenager like you "Sam said dragging me off the the living room."Emily can you help lee here she need to bathe and I have to go and call off the search parties."

"No problem love "Emily said walking up to Sam and giving him a kiss before looking at me.

I never really realized how much me and Emily look we both have scares on our faces not only that but we act a lot alike at times.

"Sweetie are you okay you space off there for a little bit are you hungry can I get you some thing to eat. Or are you thirsty I can get you some thing to drink before you bathe" Emily said look me over.

I shake my head softly before mouthing no to her. I half expected her to ask why I wasn't talking but she answered me like she read my mind.

"Oh Sam told me you couldn't talk I'm sorry for asking you all those questions but come along with me will get you bathe and into some clean clothing until your father comes and picks you up "Emily said pushing me up the stairs and into the bathroom.

*Time skip because you don't need to hear about the bathroom and what she does in it*

I wrap myself up with the towel and dry off. I look around the bathroom and grab the clothes that were on the toilet and quickly got  dressed. I hung up the towel and opened the bathroom door cold air greeted me making me shiver at the cold. I grab my wig and stuffed it in my bag letting my long waste length hair flow down. I took a deep breath before walking down the stairs and I to the living room.

"Oh your out already Emily said from the kitchen." I nodded my head to her before yawning.

"If your tired you can sleep on the pull out bed" Emily said but," I'm telling you this now the boys and Sam will be back" Emily said walking farther into the kitchen.

I sign and pulled out the bed after I moved the pillows I crawled onto the bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light in the wind.

Emily pov

I heard the bed being pulled out the it's all quite. I look out into the living room to see lee already asleep on the pull out bed. She must have been tired out there poor girl. I turned around and continue to cook knowing that the boys would eat a lot because of there wolf.

Time skip 30 minutes

Emily pov still

The door burst open as the boys and Sam entered the house.

"We're is she!!!?! "Embry yelled

"Shhhh she asleep in the living room" I say calming embry down. "She needs to rest I'm pretty sure she didn't get a good night sleep out there in the woods" I say.

"I don't doubt that" Sam said walking over to me giving me a kiss before sitting down. "When we found her this morning she was with leeches" Sam explained.

"She was almost killed by vampires and doesn't even know it" I said shocked.

"We are going to have to keep a closer eye on her from now on. They might come back to finish lee of and I refuse to let that happen to her" embry growled out.

"Embry calm down lee is safe" Sam said glaring at embry.

I laugh softly at them before I felt some one tap me on the shoulder. Huh I turned around and see lee. "Oh hello lee how was your nap did you sleep well" I ask her.

Lee pov

I smile lightly and nodded my head at her. "There some food left over if you want some I can get you it if you like." Yes plz I mouth to her as she lead me to a char next to embry.

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