Chapter 14

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I woke up to Edward shaking me and telling me that we arrived to my home. I thanked him softly before getting out and walking over to the house. Before entering I waved bye to Edward.

"So how is your throat lee" Charlie ask as I walk into the kitchen.

I smiled "I'm fine dad" I rasped out before smiling even bigger at his happy but shocked face.

"When did you Start talking!!" Charlie yelled out happily. He ran and hugged me happily before calling Bella down stairs. When Bella got down here he told Bella I could talk again or attest learning how to talk again. I laughed happily before we settled down, "you know you'll have to tell Sam that you can sort of talk" Charlie said. I nodded agreeing with him before i pulled out my phone. I clicked on Sam's number waiting for him to pick up.

S: Hello Lee why did you call?

L:N-no r-r-reason just w-anted to s-say hi I choked out.

S:.........Lee. Did.You.Just. Talk Sam ask seriously

L: Yes I d-did I laughed silently

S: When did you start talking!!!!!

L:This morning at school.

*time skip *

After a while of talking to Sam I had retired to bed. My throat was sore from talking a lot but it was worth it.

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