Chapter 18

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Lee pov

I decided that I yes going to get a rider from Bella today after school so I waved goodbye to Edward and the others. I jogged over to Bella and smiled "Hey Bella" I whisper shouted. I stopped next to her and smiled.

"I though you were going to ride with the Cullen's home?" Bella asked.

"I was going to bu--Screech-- I turned my head along with Bella to see a car coming. I quickly hoisted her onto the truck hood and I jumped but wasn't fast enough my lower half was cough between both cars. I grunted in pain as people quickly ran over Edward and the others were already at our side.

"Oh god " a random guy yelled. I looked at my low half you could already see the blood soaking into my shirt. It wasn't a lot but enough to let people know I was hurt some where. I looked at the Cullen but none of them were bothered by my blood not even jasper. 

"We need to move the car!" Edward snapped getting a few nodes from everyone. I looked at Bella she was crying while hugging my top half to her chest. I smiled slightly at her as sirens could be heard getting closer. 

"Not your.....fault Bella" I could feel the car move and my body slightly start to fall but Bella was holding me up so I couldn't get vary far. "Probably not ..that bad anyways" I chuckle at Bella when the paramedics ran over and pulled Bella away from me and lifted me onto the gurney. I closed my eyes and let myself fall to sleep. 'Whelp I guess I do change the plot of the movie after all.' was the last though I had

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Next morning at the hospital~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I slowly open my eyes to a bright light making me close my eyes for a minute before opening my eyes again. 'Were am I?.....on wait I got hurt never mind" I used  my arms to slowly help move my upper body into a sitting position when the door open. Dad and Dr. Cullen walked inside talking in hush whispers. "Um why whispering?" my voice was horsed.

"Lee omg are you okay?! Are you hurt in any shape or form!?" Dad asked coming over to my side and hugging me. I grunted in pain as he lifted me up a little making him drop me a little. "Sorry" Charlie cleared his throat before looking at me seriously. "What were you thinking Lee you got luckily that van didn't crush your legs" Charlie said. I chuckled softly before looking at him with a small smile.

"I rather it be me then Bella any day cause she's my sister" I looked at Dr. Cullen "So what damage did I do to my body this time sir?" He chuckled and placed the clip board on the edge on my desk before speaking up.

"Well I'll be honest you hand slightly fractured your spine but you'll be able to walk in no time if you go to therapy" He explain " but for now you have to use a while chair until you can walk with crutches though" He explained. I sighed and nodded my head in agreement.

"Its not all that bad....just don't like going to a stranger how fake" I whisper but Dr. Cullen heard making him chuckle.

"Now if you don't feel like going to the walk therapy that's fine you can always go to friends or family to help you walk." I smiled in relief  making Charlie and Dr. Cullen laugh. "I'll go get you a  while chair" Dr. Cullen left swiftly leaving me and Charlie alone in the room.

"How's Bella dad? Is she okay?" I questioned slowly

"She's okay a little shaken up but she'll be okay. Oh she's worried about you actually a lot of people are worried about kiddo" Charlie sat down next to me and pulled me into a side hug. I hugged him back relaxing into his arms.

"I don't mean to make you guys worrie." I mumble into his side as he ran his hands through my long hair. "Oh ya who took of my wig?"

"Dr. Cullen did he didn't want your wig to get ruined, but he made sure no one but people who new about your real gender enter." Charlie explained "Oh your also excused from school for a week sense what happened and all. Oh and sense no one will be home most of the time you'll be staying with Sam I hope you don't mind"

"I don't but does he know why I am staying with him and Emily?" I looked up at his face as he shook his head. I sighed and backed out of the hug slowly.

"Sorry I was hurrying to the hospital so i didn't really have enough time to explain. I would if I wasn't dr-" Dad was cute off by Dr. Cullen entering the room with a while chair for me.

"Sorry it took me so long I was needed for a short moment but here you go" He pushed the chair  over to my side before speaking again." I'll leave for you to get dressed" he looked over to Charlie "I also believe you should leave for her to get dress. " He turned to me once dad left "I'll have a nurse who knows for your real gender come help you with getting your pants on" and with that he shut the door. I slowly lifted the hospital gown over my head and reached over and grabbed my shirt and slide it on just in time for the nurse to walk in.

"Hello I'm your nurse for this short time" She bowed and walked over to me and helped me stand up before putting my pants on from me.

"Thank you ma'am" I nodded as she cleaned up my mess and hold the door opened for me. I whiled my way to the front of the hospital were Charlie quickly help put my wig on all the way. I looked at Dr. Cullen and nodded "Thank you for helping me Dr. Cullen I know I can be a problem at times" I chuckled weakly

"Ah its no problem really just don't push yourself to much, now be careful and stay safe" Dr. Cullen waved as we left.

"So are you ready to explain this one to Sam cause I won't have time to cause I have to get back to work." Charlie chuckled at my scared face after he help me into the car

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