Chapter 9

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Lin pov

We were going to start our plan but the bell rang tell us to go to class.

"Maybe next time Lin" Edward said to me "now let's get to class" Edward grab my hand pulling me to Emmet as we walk to P.E.

During the time Edward and Emmet were talking and pulling me with them I was thinking about Bella. 'What will she think about me when she fines out about me being her adopted sister. Ugh this is so frustrating.'

"Lin.......Lin!!!" Edward said snapping me out of my thoughts.

I look up at Edward and tilt my head to the side as if saying what is it.

"Well we been trying to get your attention for 5 minutes now what were you thinking about?"

I slight pull on my hand that Edward was still holding. He look down at our hands and let it go for me to get my marker and whiteboard. I pulled it out of my bag wondering if I should tell him. I shake my head lightly and began to write down my thoughts. 'I was hoping Bella would like me but I was having second thoughts that's all. ' I turned around the board showing Edward and Emmet what I had written down.

"Don't worry to much about Bella Lin even if she doesn't like you, you have us" Emmet said.

'I know that its just I'm scared that Bella and dad will get in a argument.' I flip the sign over and handed it to Edward.

"Look everything is going to be fine so stop being a worrywart" Emmet said 'running' past us to get the coach.

I just shake my head as Edward was about to protest about it until I just hold up my hand shaking my head at him as to make him stop. He look at me and signed. Emmet came back with the coach soon after I stop Edward from going after him.

"Lin Blackwell swan right I heard that you have a problem" coach said.

I look at Emmet then look back a coach.  'What did he tell you' I flip my whiteboard showing coach.

"He said that you voice box is not heal yet and if any strain is put on it it could be bad. So go and sit down on the bleachers and Edward Emmet go get change." I nodded my head and waved bye to them and walk over to the bleachers and sat down. I pulled out my music note book and started to write down a melody I thought of during second period.

'Hey you were that boy who saved chief swan right and the one who is always with the Cullen's? I'm mike newton i team captain of the basketball club "
(I'm making this up btw)
"So i was thinking would you like to join us?"

I put down my music note book and pull out my whiteboard. 'I'm sorry i cant be on your team mike I'm not aloud to play until my voice box it heal right maybe next time.' I flip the board around to show him.

"Oh okay sorry i was thinking about that. Oh hey could you uhhhh do me a favor and try to get rid of my police record its nothing bad!!!! its just some speeding ticket I got."

'That's why he wanted to add me to the team just to us me to get rid of his police record!' I flip the board over and wrote my response. 'I'm sorry but I can not do that for you because that's braking the law and my dad the police Chief so I can't do that to him so no.'  I flip the board over showing what I had written down. The smile fell from his face as he walk away mumbling about something. Edward and Emmet jog up to me with confused looks

"What did he want Lin" Emmet ask me.

'He wanted me to get rid of his police records and to join his basketball team but I decline his offer. 'I flip over my board and showed it to them.

"I new he would do something like this don't worry about it Lin all he'll do is complain to his friends" Edward said.

*ring ring rrrriiiinnnngggg*

"Oh class is over wait here Lin were going to go get change" Emmet yelled "running " to the changing room. Edward nodded and walk off to the changing room soon after Emmet had left. I got up putting my things a way and walk over to the door and waited.

"Lin!!" a fake cheerful voice yelled. Before I could look up I was hugged by one of my fan-girls. "Did you miss me after Edward dragged you away form me! but don't worry he can't now come on we have next class together" Lily said happily pulling me to my next class.

'Oh god' was all I could think the hole way to class she stick to my arm pushing it as far as is can go into her chest as she just talk and talk about her self and if you ask me I would vary much like to duck tape her mouth shut.  Luckily for me rose was in this class maybe she could save me form this monster. Happily for me sadly for lily we made it to the class room and I had to walk up to the teacher to get my slip signed and the only seat left for me was next to Rose. I walk over to her table and gave a small smile I pointed at the seat next to her.

"Hey Lin sit" Rose happily said I look at her confused. "What is it Lin" rose turned to me fully.

'All of the girls here say your rude and think nobody is even worthy to be your friend. Yet your nice to me? Not that there anything wrong with it I'm just surprise that all.' I flip over my white board as I sat down on my seat.

"Do you believe everything somebody" says rose look at me frustrated.

'No I didn't mean it like that Rose! ' I look panic. She just smiled at me and started to laugh at me quietly. I just shake my head at her making a soundless laugh.' I thought I made you mad at me \(°^°)/ ' I add the little guy to make her smile even more and I worked. I turned back to the teacher trying to pay attention by notes keep being thrown at me. I made a soundless sign and grab one of them and opened it.

Hey there cutesy want to go out with me yes or no xoxoxo

I grab another one from the floor

Hey hot stuff want to be my boyfriend

'Are all these notes just asking me out!' I look up at rose to see her glaring at most of the female population in the class room.

Sorry for the short chapter guys and the long wait but thanks for waiting this long
Word count 1185

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