chapter 13

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Lee pov

The next day I woke up to my alarm going off. I groaned before getting up and grabbing a random outfit and my wig before going to my personal bathroom to get ready.

 I groaned before getting up and grabbing a random outfit and my wig before going to my personal bathroom to get ready

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20 minutes later I can out of the bathroom and came down stairs. I turned to go into the kitchen and my eyes lock with Bella. Ahhhhh Bella scream before trying to get past me.I block her path and hugged her before facing her to the table.  I pointed to the table were the note was laying. She ran to the table and She read the note before looking at me shocked.

Surprised I mouth before moving to the counter to grab a apple. Before she can talk a honk was heard. I waved to her before pointing to the time as I walk out. As I got outside I see Rose and Emmet waiting for me in there Jeep. I smiled as I walk up to them.

"Hey there scar how are you" Emmet asked.

"Emmet' Rose whispered yelled hitting him. I soundlessly laughed and smiled before writing I'm fine. Rose just smiled at me and started to talk about how she wished to kill Jessica but Carlisle said that they aren't aloud to. 'I agree though even though she annoying it's just not enough reason for you to kill her I wrote.' "I hate it that you're right" Rose mumbled.

Soon the car came to a stop and we climbed out of the Jeep. There were a lot of whispering when we got out of the car. We ignored them and when to stand by the other Callen's. We we're talking well they were I was just listening to them until Bella drove into the school parking lot. I waved bye to them and I nodded my head to Bella and started to walk to her.

I met her half way and smiled at her. When we got closer you could hear the whispering going around. "

" I can't believe it the new girl shows up and she has Lee attention."

"How does she know our Lee "

" Why would Lee hang out with her"

"Who does this new girl think she is"

I look at Bella and see that she uncomfortable so I tried to actually talk. " ignored.........them" my voice was rough and barely hear able. Bella look at me shocked and then smiled a little before nodding her head.

(A/n: she going to start getting her powers she also going to get her voice back but slowly)

We got inside and I showed her to the front office. There Bella greeted the head lady. "Oh hello deary how may I help you."

"Hi I'm Bella Swan and I'm a new student and I'm here for my schedule."

"Ah yes plz wait while I get your schedule." Five minutes later Bella got her schedule and we we're walking go to the hall way. When a boy came out of nowhere and started to talk to Bella . So I took that as a chance to slip away from her so I don't disturb the way things go. I walk down the hallway to my first class as soon as i got there lily was stuck to my arm. The day went on like it always did and by the time school was over Edward was driving me to the hospital. 

I look at Edward he seemed uncomfortable  so I put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a worried look. "I'm fine Lee "Edward said stiffly. I gave him a pointed look before looking out the window. I smiled and look at Edward, "what's with that look Lee" Edward said I turned the radio and 21 Guns came on I softly sang with the song but there was times I'd stop to cough. when the song came to an end I look at Edward.

Edward had the biggest smile on his face as we pulled up to the hospital. "When did you start talking Lee" Edward ask looking expectantly at me.

"I started to talk when I meet up with Bella I told her -coughs- to ignore them" I whispered to Edward.

"Hello I'm here to see my dad" Edward said shooting the nurse a smile.

"R-right let me just call him then you may go see him" the nurse said. 

I gave Edward a really look and he just smirked at me. "You may go up now your father in his office." I smiled at her and nod my head before following Edward. We soon made it to his office and Carlisle welcome us with a smile.

"Glad you made it here safely now come lay down"  Carlisle said. Edward smiled at me before moving to sit in a chair and I walk to the bed and laid down. Carlisle pulled a smaller x ray over my throat  and took a picture. "Alright I want you to sit up"  

I slowly sat up as Carlisle asked me to and look at him. "I'm.....I be alright" I choked out. Carlisle look surprised that I talk before smiling big.

"Yes miss swan it seem that the reason you coughing up blood is that your wound has healed and it's just trying to get the left over blood out." I smiled thankfully at Carlisle before rubbing my throat. "Although you shouldn't push yourself take it slowly" Carlisle said looking over the x rays before looking at me."Now Edward do you mine driving Lee home for me." Edward got up walking over to me.

"Ya" Edward said  wrapping a arm around me and leading me out of the room. As me and Edward were walking out of the hospital I look up at Edward seeing as he was taller then me,

"do you...think everything get better" I ask Edward as we got in his car.

"I honestly don't know Lee but I'm sure nothing is going to happen soon" Edward said.

Oh how I wish you were right but I can't help but feel as if something was going to happen I thought sadly. I look over a Edward to see him frown before showing me a fake smile. I glare at Edward "I can tell...when some one fake...... smiling, what.... happen today" I rasp out my throat start to feel sore.

"Its nothing to worry yourself with but I will be going to visit family in Alaska for a while" Edward answer me truthfully.

I look at Edward sadly but understand. I nodded my head before yawning. "You can sleep Lee I'll wake you up when we get there" Edward said. I smiled before closing my eyes and letting myself drift off.

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