Chapter Eighteen- Games

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Also, I recommend that everyone reads 'Worthy' by @Kristin_cx. It is an amazing story, but is not well known and it deserves to be!!!

Okay, I hope you enjoy this chapter!


My fingers shake as I pull out the slip that contains my timetable for semester one. I looked at Jai who has pulled out his slip as well.

"We'll say our classes at the same time, okay?" I say and Jai nods.

"Monday, first period" I announce.

"English." Jai and I both say at the same time, yes we have a class together! We both sit there grinning like idiots.

"Monday, second period." I announce next.

"Social Economics." I read out.

"Historical Studies." Jai says. Okay, well at least we have one class together so far.

"Monday, third period...."


20 minutes later


"We're all done! That's all our classes sorted out for 2014! " I exclaim.

"So classes we do have together are English, Health, Food Tech, Multimedia and Music. Classes we don't have together are in Monday- second and fifth periods, Tuesday- first and third periods, We have all our classes together on Wednesday, Thursday- fourth and fifth periods as Friday- first and fourth periods." Jai takes a breath and then collapses on the couch.

"Too...much..information....brain.....fried.." He wheezes out, pretending to be dead. I decide to play along with his little act, this will be fun. I slowly pull my chair back and then get up, making my way to the couch. As I reach it, I pretend to be casually walking past, and then I look at Jai.

"Oh no, what do we have here? a dead person?" I say in a very-bad-acting-concerned voice. Jai continues to lay still, but I spot a small smile forming on his lips.

"Hmm, maybe I should try CPR to bring him back to life!" I say it like I've just discovered why the sky is blue. Hands placed on Jai's chest, I slowly lean down and kiss just left of Jai's lips.

"Oops I missed." I say. A small pout forms on Jai's mouth.

"I'll just have I try again." I say, and I lean down and kiss slightly to the right of his lips.

"Oops I missed aga-" Jai leaps off the couch and on top of me, pinning me to the couch. I squeal in shock but then start laughing. Jai starts laughing too.

"Looks like you want to play a game of Kiss Torture!" He exclaims.

"I don't even know what that is!" I say incredulously. He gives me an amused look.

"Well, I have to ask you a question and you have to answer it. I will be kissing you, not on the lips obviously, or you wouldn't be able to answer, and I can only stop kissing you once you have answered." He explains.

"Sounds like a piece of cake!" I say confidently.

"Okay you go sit in that chair and you can't move." He says, and I do. As I'm sitting in the chair, Jai approaches me, obviously thinking of a question.

He lets out a small laugh and begins.

"I once put my school pants on back to front and had them like that for the whole day. How old was I?" He asks.

And then he begins the kisses. First on my collarbone, then at the base of my neck, mid way up my neck, just under my chin. He left a burning sensation after every one. This game is harder than I thought.

"Uhhh, 10." I guess.

"Nope, and for every false answer I start kissing quicker." He replies.

"11" I guess again. Jai starts kissing me quicker, meaning I answered incorrectly.

"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9" I quickly answer, it has to be one of them.

The kisses quicken again and now he has moved onto my face. He kisses everywhere but my lips, teasing me.

"12,13" I guess quickly.

Jai kisses quicker again, now he is just touching his lips to my skin rapidly.

"14?" I guess. That is the only age left.

He leans back and nods.

"I was dared to wear my pants backwards for a whole day at school 5 months ago!" He says, a little out if breath from all the kissing. I get up off the chair and feel my face.It is full of hot trails from Jai's kisses.

"Gem, just because you did such a good job, I'll give you one more kiss." He says.

"Okay, but I'm taking the reins." I say sexily and push him gently onto the chair. His face lights up with curiosity. I lean over him and kiss him hard. His lips immediately react and kiss back. I can't believe I'm doing this, but I press my tongue against the kiss, asking for entrance. Our lips open a little and both our tongues get involved. My back starts to ache from leaning over, so I sit on top of Jai, quite provocatively might I add, with my legs to the side. He is pretty much straddling me. A bit young for that, I know, but damn, it feels good.

Jai lifts me up and we move to the couch. The kiss grows even deeper, when there is a clicking noise. The kiss slows down as both of us are confused. Then we see it. The door handle opens, Jai's mum is coming back from shopping. Jai drops me onto the couch, madly turns the TV on and throws himself next to me. Jai's mum hustles in and places her bags on the countertop.

" Anything exciting happen kids?" She asks.

Jai and I shake our heads in unison.

"Nope." We both lie.



I can't even believe I just wrote that. Because I'm forever alone -_- I haven't even experienced ANY of that, so I kind of just learnt how to write it from other fanfics.

Oookkkaaayyy...... So if you enjoyed this extra long chapter and want more, please VOTE and COMMENT. Also please share and follow.

Thankyou so much for reading!


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