Chapter Fourty- Escape Plan

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As I watch the door handle turn, I step back. I don't know who is at the door, it could be a killer for all I know! My heart hammers in my chest and I clutch my phone, ready to dial triple zero if needed.
"Who's there?" I say in a strangled whisper. I was hoping to sound a lot more confident, but obviously that idea went down the drain. I watch in fear as a person walks into the small room. My eyes adjust to the light change and I look up at the face of the mystery person. My voice shakes as I greet them.
"H-hi Mum, you're home early?" I try my best to stay unsuspicious, but mum can see right through me.
"What's going on? What are you doing?" She growls, her eyes darting all over over the place as if I've booby trapped the house. She drops her sports bag off her shoulder and steps towards me slowly.
"What have you done?" She asks slowly through her teeth. I take the moment to run into my room and lock the door. Mum was right on my heels, but I got into my room just in time. Hearing her banging on the door, I frantically try to drag my dresser in front of it. I cower against it and redial the number for kids helpline.
"Hello Gem, is everything alright?" The speaker asks politely.
"No it's not. Please tell the rescue team to come in through the side window, not the front door. My mum has come home early, so you'll have to get me through my bedroom window." I say quickly, not sure if I'm making any sense.
"Yes, okay. They should be there in a minute." The helper says before hanging up. I decide to video call Jai while I'm waiting, I need to hear his voice and tell him what's going on. I bring up FaceTime and call Jai. After a few seconds he picks up.
"Jai!" I say I a strangled voice, tears streaming down my face.
"Gem are you okay?!" Jai half yells, sitting up straight. His face has a look of horror on it.
"What is going on?! Who's yelling?!" He asks frantically.
"It's my mum, she's gone crazy and has been abusing me ever since I arrived! S-She ripped my plane ticket so I can't go back to Melbourne and I called kids helpline an they're coming to get me now!" I explain, my voice now shaking with sobs.
I hear frantic knocking on my window and run over to see the rescue team.
"Jai I have to go the rescue team is here. I love you so much and I'll call to once I'm safe." I sob.
"I love you too Gem, I'm catching the soonest plane to Sydney I can." He said with a tear in his eye and he hung up. After wiping a tear away I head over to my window.
"Gem! Give me your hand!" One of the rescue team members calls out from below. I reach out of the window and take his hand. As he clips a harness onto me, I hear a sharp crack from my room. Spinning around, I see a shape move into my room and to my window.
"Gem what are you doing?! Who are these people?!" Mum screams at me. Without waiting for a reply, mum swings her leg over the window sill. I frantically look at the rescue team member who is finishing off putting me in a harness.
"We're good to go." Ge sad quickly, and before I know it I am slowly being lowered to the ground. The rescue team drapes a blanket over me and brings me into the back of their car. It looks like an ambulance car, but it has just been painted with the colours and logo of kids helpline. I take a seat and do up my seatbelt, looking up at my window as I do it. I see my mum awkwardly sitting on the ledge of my window, looking at me in rage and confusion. I look away and see a police car pulling around the corner.Two policemen step out and order mum to come down from the roof, but that is all I see as the rescue team close the van doors and hop into the drivers seats.

II'm so sorry if you guys are confused or anything, I know that the chapter just got really bad at the end part!

Once again, sorry for the delay :(
But thankyou for even more reads, votes and comments! The last chapter got 22 comments! Also, about the mini competition, I will be posting a short segment containing the name of the winner, and they will also get a dedication on this chapter. :)
Yay there are now 21000 reads!!
Thanks guys so much!
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