Sodapop Part 2

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Hi! I just got back from a trip to DC and I can't believe I forgot about this story!!! I'm gonna finish it now tho I'm really tired and I still have homework. But homework can wait! This is important.

Ginny POV
Soda took me to the drive in and got me something to eat. I didn't want to go back home and I think he could tell. 
"Ginny, is everything ok? You seem sad."
"I'm fine." He was walking me home since my car needed to be worked on and the DX was closed.
"That's very convincing." I laughed a little at his sarcasm. But I guess it wasn't really a fun laugh. 
"Ginny, something seems to be bothering you. What's wrong? You can tell me if you like."
Well I guess I'm gonna tell him. How can I say no to that face?
"What time is it?"
"Uh, ten thirty. Why? Did you have to be home sometime soon?" Soda was worried he had gotten me in trouble. If only that was why I was worried.
"No. My dad is gonna freak out when I come home with someone. Especially a boy."
He seemed confused, which made me laugh.
"He doesn't care about me but he likes to ruin anything good in my life. One time I finally found a friend who wasn't terrified to come to my house after seeing my scar and then he beat her so badly we had to move away before her parents could sue. Though I wish he could go to jail, I can't get put in an orphanage cause it'd probably be worse. At least here I can do whatever I want."
"Well I'm not afraid of him. Do you have to go home though? Cause if not you can stay at my place." He's so sweet!
"No, it wouldn't feel right. I think I'll just stay at my place tonight."
He seemed hesitant but agreed. We got up to my house and I heard a bird fly out of a tree.
"Ahh!" After the bird flew in my face I freaked out and fell on top of Soda. He caught me laughing.
"Not funny!"
"Yah *gasp* it *gasp* is! *gasp*" I reached the door and stopped. I looked at Soda.
"I had a really great time tonight. The best in a long time. Thank you."
"Of course. I'd love to do it again sometime. If that's ok with you that is." He rushed the last part. 
"I'd like that." He grinned from ear to ear and I could feel myself doing the same.
"I'll see you later Ginny!"
"Later Soda."
He walked away from the door a little and I let myself in. As soon as I closed the door I sank down, smiling.
"YOU! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" I felt someone yank me to my feet. Everything stank of alcohol and made me nervous.
"I was with a friend." I mustered.
"You? With a friend? Yah right. Where were you really? And don't lie to me this time!!!"
"I said I was with a friend!"
"DON'T TALK BACK TO ME YOU SORRY LITTLE USELESS PIECE OF TRASH! YOUR NOTHING BUT A FOUL LOATHSOME LITTLE BABY WHO NEEDS TO LEARN LESSON!!!! Your gonna sleep in the closet under the stairs without meals for a week. Only come out when I tell you to!!! Let's get her boys."
Great. I forgot it was Friday. Poker night. Whoever wins gets to hit me first. Hurray! I felt myself get dropped to the floor and shoved into a corner. A large man stepped up to me and pulled his leg back for a kick when he was stopped.
"Wait! She always finds a way to get out. Tie her up!"  No! Another man, larger than the first left the room to find a rope.
"But that doesn't mean we can't rough her up a little before Vince gets back." My dad grinned evilly at me and steeping in front of the first man. He got down on a knee and jerked my head up to look at him.
"Where were you?"
"I already told you I was with a friend."
"I wasn't!"
"THERE YOU GO AGAIN! YOU WILL LEARN WHEN TO KEEPG YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!!" He threw my head down roughly and started kicking me.
"HEY! I won, you do it on your own time!" The first man stepped up in front of him and threw a punch. I might be able to get out! They're so stupid it wouldn't be hard. I slowly moved back, only to be kicked across the room. That's gonna have a big mark in the morning.
"Think you could escape huh? Well. Not tonight." It was the second man with the rope. He tied my arms and legs so that they cut into my skin. That's gone be REALLY hard to hide. Each one of them started kicking and punching and spitting and swearing. I just lay there and take it, not able to defend myself.
Then a miracle happened.

Soda POV
I looked through the window to make sure Ginny was safe. Though there were about nine guys in there that came after her! I couldn't do anything about it by myself so I ran as fast as I could. I headed towards my house, hoping the gang would be there. Half way there, I ran into them.
"Soda! Where have you been!? We've been looking for you for hours!" Darry started yelling at me but I didn't listen.
"Darry listen! I met this girl and she has an abusive dad. She told me about it and after I took her home I watched through the window to make sure she was ok. Well about nine other guys came out of nowhere and started beating her! You've gotta come help!" Darry nodded and we all ran back to her house. I grabbed the spare key she used and ran in with the gang. She was on the floor with everyone surrounding her.
"HEY! What are you doing in my house you filthy greasers!!!" Someone, who I assumed was her dad, yelled at us.
"What are you doing to Ginny?!?"
"None of your business! Now get out of here!!!" They all ran towards us but we were ready. Pony and Johnny took on one, Steve took one, Darry took two, Dally took two, while Two-Bit and I took three.
Each one went unconscious in the end, and I ran to Ginny.
If it weren't for the light rising and downfall of her chest I'd of thought she was dead. She was bloody and bruised, with broken bones for sure. Her leg was all bent at different angles and her clothes were torn. Darry looked her over and cut the ropes off of her. I tried to keep from tearing up and asked what I could do to help.
"Go home with Steve and get a bed ready for her. She can't be here when they wake up. And get the first aid kit ready and some pain killers."
Ginny POV
I could hear them but I couldn't see them. I only recognized Soda though. I tried to make a sound to let them know I was ok but I don't think it came out everything hurt so badly. I feel so sore. It all burned and stung and ached and just hurt. I felt the ropes get cut off which is a good sign. Maybe it means they're done! I could feel them picking me up and carrying me for a while and putting me in a bed. Oh I wish I could see things!

Hi everyone! I'm extremely tired right now and I can't finish this so I'm gonna make a part three maybe four. I don't want them getting to long cause I know the long ones are sometimes annoying.  Stay gold!
-Reagan ❤️🌅

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