Chapter Five: Mark

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Monday, September 12th

I walked down the hallway and let out a sigh. School had been going on for two weeks, and I had absolutely no progress with Jack. At least he hadn't beaten me up or anything.

I bumped into a girl and heard a laugh when it happened. "Hey Mark!" Cerise smiled at me as she took a step back. "What's up?"

"I'm just headed to homeroom." I said.

"Cool!" Cerise said. I had no idea why it would. be considered "cool" to go to homeroom when we all do it. "Mine is this way so I guess I'll follow you!"

"Okay." I said and walked alongside Cerise. She talked about a few things I found of little interest. When I stood at my homeroom door, I stopped. "See you later, Cerise."

"Bye Mark!" She laughed and hugged me before being dragged off by the crowd. I stood in shock, and I heard someone clear their throat.

"I get it, she's pretty. Move along." I heard Jack behind me. When I turned he was folding his arms and glaring at me. "Get out of my way, Mark."

"You don't have to be an ass about it." I scoffed as I walked into the room, I could see the shocked expression on Jack's face as I walked into the room.

"Hey Mark." Felix greeted me from the front of the room with Bo and Wayne, who also smiled and waved at me. "Oh and Jack."

"Gross." Bo laughed as he nudged Wayne. Jack stopped walking and looked at them before continuing back to his seat.

"What'd you say that for?" I asked. "That's rude."

"He's stupid. Don't worry about it." Wayne shrugged.

"He's not stupid." I put my hands on my waist, and defended someone for no damn reason at all. "Felix, Jack is your friend why are you letting them say this?"

"Because we all know how Felix really feels about that crybaby." Wayne snickered and nudged Felix who did not look like he agreed.

"Whatever, you need to knock it off. Leave Jack alone, he never did anything to you!" I snapped at them and walked to the back where Ken sat with a wide eyed Jack.

"Why did you do that?" Jack asked. I was worried he was going to freak out for me helping him, but it didn't happen.

"I just.. Don't think people should be treated others badly." I shrugged.

"Well.. Thanks." Jack said quietly. "Are ya just going to stand there, or are ya gonna sit down?"

"I'm waiting for you to yell at me." I admitted.

Jack seemed a little surprised but only for a moment. He took a deep breath and patted the table next to him. "Take a seat before I do yell at you." I sat down next to him and noticed that while Jack was trying to be harsh, he really was having a hard time with it.

"Hi boys!" Marzia walked in and sat in front of us. "How are you?" "Good" came from all of us out of synch. "Nice."

"How are you Marzia?" I asked. Jack and Ken looked to me and then back to Marzia.

"Oh I'm good!" Marzia smiled. She always seemed very upbeat and happy, which was weird to me. I never knew anyone who was always so excitable, but she acted that way a lot.

Felix came to the back and sat next to Ken and he smiled to Marzia. Almost as if he only came back here for the chance to talk to her. "Jack, did you finish the science homework last night? I don't know what to put for question six, which also means I didn't answer question seven."

"Oh sure let me show you." Jack said. He pulled a paper out of his bag and Marzia moved her chair closer to Jack so he could show her. "Yeah, I see what you were trying to do. You actually did the first half right but where you went wrong was here."

"Jack you didn't even do it right from what I'm hearing." Felix scoffed.

"What? Are you sure?" Jack turned to Felix.

"It looks right, Felix." Ken said.

"Yeah, I don't see why it would be wrong." I spoke up and got a heavy glare from Felix, was he mad at me for what I said earlier?

"Are you kidding? You all must be stupid then, but don't listen to me." Felix scoffed.

"Well Felix, if you know so much why don't you help instead of sitting there acting like a jerk!" Marzia scolded him and Felix immediately sank down in his seat. "Anyways, what was it?"

"U-Uh.." Jack froze up. "Well.. Y-You.."

"Jack? Are you alright?" Marzia asked.

"Yeah.. F-Fine." Jack nodded. "You just need to.. Uh.. Carry this over a-and then flip that and.. With that answer y-you can go and do this one." Jack's voice was quiet as he pointed at stuff. Marzia thanked him with a smile he nodded and she returned to her normal spot.

"Jack, are you -"

"Just leave it." Jack muttered as he picked at his jeans. Felix stood back up and walked back up to the front with his other friends.

"I can't believe him sometimes. Why are we still friends with him?" Ken sighed. He didn't like Felix's other friends, he had told me this.

"Why wouldn't we be?" Jack asked. "He's always been our friend."

"Now you see why it never worked out." Marzia said from in front of us.

"Maybe you can go without having Felix around but he's always been my friend, I don't want to think about what I would have done without him." Jack admitted.

"Jack, he's so mean to you, why don't you tell him off? You can look at someone nice like Mark and cuss at them, but when it comes to someone as mean as Felix you just bow to whatever they say!" Marzia huffed as she turned around to look at us. "He's no good, just accept it."

"That's weird coming from you." Jack folded his arms. "You've always cared about Felix, don't act like you're so different from me." I could see Felix watching us from the front, wide eyed.

"I just don't want him walking all over you, he's not the same anymore. He's not my Felix! Ever since he started spending time with those two jerks he's been.." Marzia stopped speaking and took a deep breath. "Sorry, I'm getting worked up."

"It's okay." Jack said. I almost felt bad when I saw Marzia's face. Jack too, they were both so wrapped up in someone who made them miserable. Even Ken, who sat back and watched one of his closest friends drift away. Being new, I didn't trust Felix to begin with, but I felt no separation.


I can't sleep so I guess I'll do some read throughs of my chapters and post a little more.


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