Chapter Eleven: Jack

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Monday, October 2

I folded my arms and leaned forward on the table. Waiting for art class to start. Felix was saying something when the two jocks - Bo and Wayne - from homeroom walked in and planted themselves right next to Felix. "Great.." I muttered.

Felix was really excited to see them, and I could hear the garbage they were spewing about me, Felix never bothered to say anything for me. I really did feel like breaking down. I thought that after this past weekend, Felix would have stopped supporting their games.

I pulled my sleeves so they covered my hands and listened to one of the subs discuss the fact that this would be a study hall today, she talked for probably fifteen minutes. I waited for her to finish and when she did, I ducked out of the room before anyone else could see. There was still forty-five minutes until I could be excused from this class, which honestly, I was looking forward to more than being embarrassed by two jerks and someone who I can't stand half the time.

I went to my locker, even though there was no point, and made it look like I was digging around. I stopped when I could see Mark's jacket sitting in the bottom of it. Easy enough to say, I wore it to school this morning. I ran my hand over the fabric and let out a sigh as I could practically hear what those two were saying, over and over again.

"Jack is such a little woos, look at him!" Bo laughed as he nudged Felix who laughed along, whether or not he actually meant it, I have no idea. "Poor little freak, huh?"

"I don't see why you even hang around this kid Felix, he's not worth any effort of a conversation. He's stupid, he can't speak right." Wayne teased. Wayne was also Cy's younger brother, they both hated me.

"He thinks he'll get his way if he just complains and is a little priss about everything. Well Jack, you can try to be as harsh as you want. It will only tell us how weak you are." Bo continued to laugh.

I felt my hand gripping the locker door when tears began to roll down my cheeks. I didn't even do anything to them, why couldn't they just leave me alone? I didn't do anything to them! Why does Felix always just sit there and let it happen? 

I was still standing there, silently crying like an idiot when the lunch bell went off and third lunch walked out of their classrooms and second was going back to theirs. When the halls were a little quieter and I let out a choked cry, I heard someone say my name and I froze.

"Ken..?" I turned my head and could see Ken standing with Mark next to him and went wide eyed.

"What's the matter?" Ken asked, I felt myself break down all over again as I leaned against the lockers and slid down onto the ground. Ken and Mark each crouched in front of me.

"I-I'm s-sorry.." I whimpered as I buried my face in my arms.

"What are you sorry for?" Ken asked. "What happened?" I couldn't speak without sobs coming out, and I didn't think I wanted to tell, it wasn't until Felix came down the hallway that I stood up and slammed my locker, walking in the opposite direction.

"Jack! Come on!" Felix sighed. "I came out here to get you!"

"What happened?" Mark asked. Mark it is none of your business what happened.

"He's always acting like this!" Felix scoffed. "He always tries to throw himself a pity party so everyone will feel bad for poor little Jack! Whenever someone tries to help him, he's nothing but a jerk! Then when things don't go his way, he cries about it!"

I froze in my spot, I didn't think that was true at all, was it though? Perhaps I was just oblivious.

"I don't believe that." Mark spoke up for a second time. "I think you're just saying that because he's mad at you and you know it, but you don't like it. Something tells me you're to blame."

"I'm apparently always to blame!" Felix snarled.

"And maybe you are." Mark sighed. "If you guys really are friends, you wouldn't cause him so much grief."

"He's just being a baby!" Felix huffed. "This morning he threw a fit, he threw a fit about the cafeteria, and now he's crying to get attention."

I couldn't stand in the same place for any longer and listen, My feet began to move again, and while they were all arguing I ducked out of vision.


This is a shorter chapter, I just don't like switching POV's part way through a chapter so I just waited until the next chapter. Also, it's kind of long for me to add this whole section anyways.

So how is the fam doing out there? Good?


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