Chapter Twenty-Eight: Jack

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Monday, October 31st

"What do you mean?! You can't be serious!" My mother shouted. Simon was still sitting in the room and neither of them saw us peaking around. "Good behavior!? What about what he has done?!" There was a pause. "Fine. We'll be there." My mother threw her cell phone on the couch and let out a sigh.

"Samantha, are you alright?" Simon asked her as he stood.

"What am I going to do? Jack isn't going to see any reason in it - and he shouldn't - but I don't have a choice." My mother said and I could feel Mark's hand on my shoulder, and I stepped out into the room.

"See reason in what?" I asked, my mother turned sharply around and looked very nervous which was unlike her. "I-I heard you yelling and I.. What's going on?"

"Just tell him, Samantha." Simon immediately suggested. "There's no reason beating around the bush about it."

"Okay." My mother nodded. "Jack, come into the kitchen with me." I stepped away from Mark and it left my mother and I alone in the room.

"He's been released." Was the first thing she said.

"Who?" I asked. I already had an idea, but I didn't want to jump to conclusions.

"Your father. He's been released. Good behavior has gotten him out." My mother folded her arms and looked off to the side. I thought I was going to pass out. I could feel my hands shaking and I put a hand down on the table to keep my balance. My mother's eyes drifted to me. "He requested to see you."

"T-To..? See me?" I said, barely reaching anything above a whisper. "Do-Do I have to?"

"Yeah. You do." My mother nodded her head. "I'm sorry Jack I know this isn't want you want to hear and -"

My mind was elsewhere than her apology. I was scared out of my mind. Flashing images of what he had done, being bloody in the dark, the screaming, the shouting, the slapping. It all was full blown in my mind and I was afraid.

I felt my knees growing weak, and I became lightheaded. My legs gave out and I had blacked out before I had even hit the floor.

"Do you think we have to take him to the hospital?" I heard someone say, I blinked a few times and looked around the room. Releasing I was still on the couch. There was a washcloth on my head and there were people sitting around me.

"What happened?" I asked as I sat up, was it all just a nightmare or something? The cloth slid off my head and landed onto my lap, I pulled it off and my mother took it from my hands. "What time is it?"

"It's about midnight." My mother said. I looked to see Mark and Simon sitting on the other side of my mother, Mark's eyed were puffy and red and so were my mother's but Simon looked like he held it in.

"You fainted." Simon told me.

I felt a stinging pain in my head and lifted my hand up to it. "Does your head hurt?" Mark asked me.

"A little, yeah." I admitted. "What happened?"

"I told you, you fainted." Simon repeated.

"Why?" I asked. "I just remember having the most awful dream."

"I don't think that was a dream, Jack." My mother shook her head and my eyes grew wide.

"It.. It wasn't?" I mumbled, my voice already beginning to crack. "H-He's not in jail?" My mother shook her head. "I have to see him?" She nodded this time. I felt the tears building up in my eyes as they escaped my shaking head. "No, no mum. Please don't make me go see him. Please don't. I-I don't want to, I don't want to!"

"Calm down Jack. It'll be okay." My mother said softly. I began to break down in sobs as I felt Mark climb up on the couch and hold onto my waist. I wonder if he knew.

"Jack he can't hurt you, okay." My mother said, her voice was calm and sweet like a summer breeze but it did nothing to help me.

I just continued to cry and wasn't able to speak anything. I was afraid out of my mind, he was going to come and get me, he was going to kill me. I knew it, whether my mother could admit it or not.

"Do you want to take Mark with you?" My mother asked. I raised my eyes at this point. "I'm going to be there, but do you want Mark to go too?" I turned my head to him.

"I'll go if you want me to." He shrugged. I looked back down at my tear covered hands. I finally shook my head. I didn't want to put Mark in any sort of trouble by forcing him into this. I didn't even know if I was willing to put my mother in that situation. "Jack it's okay, don't try to act big about me not going."

I sniffled and wiped my nose on my sleeve. I heard my mother call it gross and hand me a tissue. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I was going to have to put myself at risk by seeing this man. "Why does he want to see me?"

My mother paused and took a deep breath. "I don't know." She said finally, all of the air in her lungs escaping with the sentence. "It's on Saturday, in case you were curious."

"I'd rather.." I took a deep breath before shouting directly at my mother. "Die before going to see that evil bastard!" And with that I stormed out of the room with people calling my name. There was some shuffling and eventually a knock on the door. I lifted my head off the pillow that I wanted to scream in and spoke. "If you're Mark you can come in!" I called and that one walked in.

"Jack?" He said quietly, shutting the door behind him.


"Are you okay?"

I paused before speaking up. "We were supposed to go to your house, weren't we?"

"That doesn't matter right now, I asked if you were okay." Mark said as he sat down on my bed next to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and set his head on my shoulder. "I love you." He said when I didn't say a word.

"I love you too." I answered.

"More than anything else." He continued on. "I want to help you. I want to make you happy."

"You do make me happy." I sighed. "I just can't be happy all the time."

"Well I'm gonna tell you jokes until you laugh."

"Please no."

"But I love your laugh. I can tickle you instead."

"Mark I'm not in the mood for - "

"What did one wall say to the other." Mark interjected with a smile. "I'll meet you in the corner!" I stifled a laugh, it wasn't funny at all but Mark just looked so cute telling them.

"What happens when you put a car in the oven?"


"It becomes a hot rod!" He giggled like an idiot. I shook my head and rolled my eyes, trying very hard not to laugh.

"What did one ocean say to the other ocean." Silence. "Nothing, they just waved!" I laughed this time and Mark continued on. "I hate the ocean, so much."

"What? Why?" I asked with a bit of a laugh.

"It's so scary!" Mark said, and I thought he was joking for a second but he clearly wasn't. "It's just gross and something could jump out and eat you whole! Ah! Terrifying."

"That's an odd fear." I smiled. "How come you didn't say that when I asked what you were afraid of?"

"I thought you would say I was lame." Mark laughed. "I'm not actually afraid of bugs, but I thought it would be so common you wouldn't think anything of it." Mark became a little nervous before speaking again. "I wanted to make a good impression."

I laughed a little and leaned onto Mark. It was thoughtful. This is what I liked about being with Mark. The feeling of tension from the day just melted away and I felt safe in his embrace, I felt wanted.

I felt happy.


My throat hurts really suddenly and I don't know why. Also I can't fall asleep so I guess I'll keep writing until I pass the frickity frack out.


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