Chapter Twenty-Nine: Jack

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Monday, October 31st

I woke up before my alarm, I felt groggy and disgusting but it felt nice to have Mark's arms around my body. Despite how ill I felt. Checking my phone, I could see it was four o'clock in the morning, I hadn't even slept that long and I was already exhausted from being awake.

I was always under the idea that I either got to sleep or kill myself which wasn't really an option or even something I wanted to do.

I thought about Mark for a second and what he had told me about his old high school, how he ended up here. He thought about killing himself; he actually tried it but the sounds of it. That kind of made me nervous to think about. Would Mark ever try that again? Even if we didn't work out - and I was hoping very much that we would - I didn't want to ever think that he would harm himself without me. Not even if he had casted me out, not even if I hated him. I could never wish death upon someone.

"Mark?" I said quietly. "Mark? Are you awake?"

"I am now.." He grumbled. "What is it, Jack?"

"When was the last time you thought about killing yourself?" I asked him as if it was nothing and this caused him to sit straight up. I rolled over to face his shocked expression and sat up myself.

"Why are you asking?" He asked, his voice quiet.

I shrugged. "No reason, just thinking about death."

"Were you.. thinking of doing it to yourself?" He asked, he sounded so absolutely terrified of it. The idea of me even hurting myself to reach death was beyond him. It was sweet, I suppose.

"No." I laughed lightly and shook my head. "I sleep instead of thinking about doing stupid things like that." I paused. "Not trying to degrade what happened to you, Mark I just -"

"It was stupid, you're not wrong." Mark cut me off quickly. "To answer you question, not for a long time, but otherwise what time is it? I'm exhausted."

"Me too, but I feel kind of sick." I admitted as I looked at my phone. "It's a little after four."

"You said you don't feel well?" Mark said with a concerned expression, why was he so caring all of a sudden? Did I just not notice it before. I nodded my head and he placed a hand to my forehead. "You feel really warm, Jack."

"I told you, I feel icky." I sighed.

"Maybe you have a fever." Mark said, he looked me up and down. "The flu, maybe?" I shrugged. "Do you want me to tell your mother so she knows you aren't going to school?"

"What? I still want to go to school." I said quickly. "I have a fever, I'm not dying."

"Eh, you can die from a fever."

"I'm fine, Mark." I said to him. "I still want to go."

"Why? You don't strike me as a hardcore school-goer." Mark said, he tilted his head slightly to the side as he asked.

"I don't know. I feel like me sitting at home all day by myself isn't going to do me much good." I shrugged as I played with the blanket. "I'd rather go spend the day with everyone."

"That's funny coming from Mister I-Hate-Everyone." Mark said and I felt his hand run through my hair as he used his other hand to pull me closer to him. I leaned into Mark. He drew patterns on my back with his thumb, just like he knew I enjoyed and I practically melted into him - from both comfort and heat.

We went back to sleep, and got up, going to school. I felt dizzy when we walked down the hallway and I held onto Mark's hand tightly until we reached my locker. "Baby, are you alright?" Mark asked me as he turned my head to face him. "You look really pale. Are you sure you want to be here?" I nodded my head.

He took a deep breath and sighed. He couldn't fight me on this. I wasn't going to back down. In homeroom, I could barely focus on anything, in fact the only thing I thought about was the fact that I needed to focus.

"Jack?" Ken spoke up and everyone turned to me. "What's the matter? You look awful."

"He's sick but he refused to stay home today." Mark told Ken. "He's only gotten worse since this morning."

"I'm fine." I retorted and laid my head on the table. My skull was beginning to throb mercilessly with the headache that I was forced to endure. I felt Ken pat my back and I wanted to go home and sleep, but I didn't want to be alone.

During my class with Marzia, she worried profoundly about my health, I didn't want her to worry but she had motherly instincts that screamed "panic" whenever something went wrong. Especially when it came to be barely able to function when it felt as if I was dying a little.

After some time, I had gone to English, and when walking inside, I ran directly into the back of Danny and he turned to me and flashed a smile before it faded quickly. "Oh Jack, you look like shit. Are you okay?"

"Shut up." I said sourly to him before walking by him. I sat down in my normal seat and waited for Mark to come in, Wade sat next to me and he was talking about a videogame and I tried to listen but it felt like the room was spinning.

"Jack?" Wade stopped talking about whatever he was saying. "Why aren't you listening to me?"

"I-I am trying Wade." I said as I ran a hand down my hot face, my head was hot but my body was practically shaking with cold.

Mark came in with Bob and they sat on the other side of me as I held my hands on my face. I felt Mark's hand on my back and he rubbed gently. "Jack I really think you need to go home, I can take you home if you want but you look terrible." I shook my head. "Why are you being so stubborn about this?"

I was so accustomed to being alone most of the time before I met Mark. But now, I spent every moment of my time with him - if not someone else - and now, I was incredibly afraid of being alone. What would happen? Where would my mind go? I was afraid of being by myself when I spent so much time with someone just within arm's reach.

But I couldn't admit that, I would look stupid.

I didn't answer - not because I couldn't think of something to say, because I could - the teacher spoke up and she called role before saying to go to our groups. I stood up and when I went to walk, it felt like I was falling, so I gripped onto the table and stood there for a moment.

"Jack?" Mark said, in order to prove that I was alright, I released the table and continued to walk over to where Dan and Arin was, I was fine. Mark had to see that, and I was going to prove it.

When I took a few steps the room started spinning and I felt my eyes roll into back into the black before my knees gave out.


My legs really hurt for some reason which is weird cause last night it was my throat and now my legs really hurt. Lol I think I'm getting old.


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