Chapter Thirty-Four: Mark

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Saturday, November 5th

I sat at a dinner table with Jack, and his mother. We might not come from the most luscious backgrounds, but it was nice to see that we had each other.

Jack felt better as the day progressed, and I was thankful for that. There was little to no conversation at the table, just the sound of forks clinking against plates. The silence was comfortable though.

"So, I'm going to be that person and ask about school. How goes it?" Jack's mother asked.

"I mean I'm not failing so good." Jack replied.

"And you Mark?" She turned to me with a smile.

"I mean it sucks but I'm doing well." I said and heard Jack's mother laughing.

"Why do I even bother asking?" She laughed.

"Well I'm going to be that person and ask about work. How goes it?" Jack rephrased his mother's question and gave a shit grin to her.

"Good." She smiled and looked like she really did not want to have to talk about her job. I wouldn't either, so I suppose I understood.

After dinner, Jack and I retired to his bedroom. Thinking about it, I missed my own bed - Jack's was fine but I missed home a little. Even if I wasn't welcomed there.

I watched Jack pick up a few pieces of clothing and throw them into a laundry basket. I turned my head to the dust-covered sketch books that laid across his dresser. He had so many art supplies in his room and it looked like he never used any of.

Besides one on the top, which looked completely free of dust. "Jack what are these?" I asked and he turned to me.

"They're sketch books." He answered. "Why?"

"How come they all have dust but these ones?" I continued to ask.

"Because," he began. "They're all full but the one on the top." Jack continued to walk around his room doing miscellaneous tasks before he sat down on his bed. "Mark?"

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Are you alright?" Jack asked and I laughed a little bit. Even after everything that had happened today Jack was asking if I was alright. That was so.. Unlike him but at the same time I expected nothing else.

I sat down next to Jack on his bed and took a deep breath. "I just kinda miss home, is all."

"You can go back." Jack said. "Nothing is keeping you here."

"Well I want to be able to sleep with you at night," I said as I pulled Jack onto my lap. "Plus they don't want me there anyways."

"No, they don't want me there. They are perfectly fine with you being there." Jack corrected me.

"Well if they don't want you there then they might as well not want me there. I won't go if it means that I can't have you around." I smiled and kissed Jack's cheek.

"I don't understand how your father married a borderline homophobic woman." Jack said. "Boggles my mind because he seems like such a nice person and she's just a bitch. No offense."

"None taken." I laughed. "You're right, she is kind of like that. I bet he just thought she was pretty."

"That's not fair to anyone." Jack told me. "You can think someone is attractive without loving them."

"Are you trying to hint at something?"

Jack laughed. "You think I'm trying to hint you're not attractive? Because I think you're very attractive, I just got lucky to have a boyfriend with looks like yours." Jack turned around on my lap so that his legs were straddling my own. I let out a bit of a sigh when I saw his face, I had almost entirely forgotten that today he was punched in the face several times by his father. Jack noticed the change of my expression and his did the same. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing just your face is kind of bruising." I said quietly as I ran my thumb across his cheek.

"What'd you expect to do, grow flowers?"

"How on earth are you still managing to sass the hell out of me in a time like this." I laughed and kissed his nose.

"I'm just really good at it." He laughed. "How on earth are you only managing to kiss my nose when I'm clearly waiting."

"For that, you get nothing." I snickered and pushed Jack off of my lap. He let out a scoff and folded his arms in a pout. "Please, if you want my attention you're going to have to try harder than that."

"Fine. I'll be back." Jack said. He grabbed a pair of shorts and walked out of the room. He was gone for fifteen or twenty minutes and I had completely forgotten to be waiting for him and was instead laying on my phone. I was beyond board.

When the door opened I immediately spoke as I turned my head. "Jack I'm bor -" I stopped when he walked through without a shirt on and was still dripping wet. He was running a towel through his hair before tossing it to the side.

"You're what?" He asked with a smile. "Stop gawking Mark."

"I said I was bored." I spoke, my voice barely above a whisper.

"What's the matter with you?" Jack laughed as he walked across the room. "I swear it's like you've never seen me without a shirt on."

Jack climbed onto his side of the bed and looked at me as he adjusted his shorts on his waist. He turned to me with a grin, "You gonna be alright over there?"

"Fine." I nodded.

I turned my head and the second I did Jack rolled onto me, giggling like an idiot. A very appealing, idiot. "Hi Mark." He laughed.

"Hi Jack." I said quietly as I lifted my face closer to his. He put his hand on my mouth and pushed my head back down onto the bed.

"I don't think you deserve a kiss." He smiled. I made some muffled noise under his hand. "I'm sorry, what was that, sweetheart?" He asked and raised his hand off of my face.

"Fuck you." I huffed.

"Mm, I know you really want to but my mother is home and you know her rules." Jack laughed. "Sorry darling."

"Yeah but you can still kiss me." I smiled hopefully.

"I mean, I could but I don't think so. I mean, we ate and I brushed my teeth this morning but not since. My breath probably smells bad; you know it's probably for the best that we don't." Jack said with a shit-eating grin.

"I don't care." I replied. Hoping to get a little bit of anything. Jack was sitting on me the least he could do is kiss me.

"Why do you look so grumpy?" Jack teased as he gave a bit of a laugh alongside it. "Do you want me to kiss you that badly?"

I let a huff. "Yes!"

Jack laughed a little bit. "Okay sheesh, no need to be pushy." He lowered his face down to mine and pecked my lips once before sitting back up. "Better?" He giggled.

"I swear.." I grumbled before flipping us both over and slamming my lips against Jack's. He let out a noise of surprise but eventually melted into it.

I kissed down his neck and his collarbone, leaving as many hickeys possible before he would notice. If he wanted to play this game, I would mark him up.

It felt so good to be able to run my hands across his nude torso and to be able to feel him under my body. To be able to hold onto him, to roll my hips down and tease him as well. To feel his hands in my hair. It felt amazing to be with him.


How was thanksgiving for you all? Or if you don't celebrate a holiday of food how was yesterday in general? I'm so hungry rn though. I'm just waiting for breakfast to be done cooking.


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