Chapter Twleve: Mark

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Monday, October 2

"Wait.. Where did Jack go?" Ken interrupted my argument with Felix. "We were arguing and totally missed him."

"He's probably just in the bathroom." Felix sighed. He walked down the hallway and into the men's bathroom where he kicked open every stall in anger. "Not here? Well, there's more than one bathroom."

"Felix what did you do to the poor kid?" Ken asked. "You did something stupid, I know it."

"It wasn't me! It was Bo and Wayne!" Felix shouted, his voice rising higher and higher with every word.

"So you couldn't just stand up for him once, could you? Because you care so much about being popular and being friends with everyone else, that you can't even take a minute to have some stupid guys - who you know like to pick on Jack a lot - and tell them to stop." Ken folded his arms. He then turned and walked away. "Unbelievable, get out of here Felix, go back to class. We'll find Jack. Come on Mark."

"But.. Wait.. Come on, Ken!" Felix sighed. "Why can't I help?"

"You just keep doing more damage!" Ken snapped before turning back to face front and never looking back at Felix, who looked as if he would cry.

I followed Ken throughout the halls, looking anywhere for Jack. When we reached the bottom floor, I could see his green hair popping off his head from under the stairwell. I poked Ken and he turned to look at Jack.

I walked over and crouched next to him, which made his head rise up to me before it dipped back down. "Come to laugh at me too?"

"No, of course not." I said.

Jack raised his head again before pulling down on his sleeves. I sat down next to him and Ken walked over, plopping down in front of us.

"Your lunch period ends in ten minutes, and you guys never even got to eat." Jack mumbled.

"That's okay." I shrugged. "I wasn't hungry anyways."

"Plus, you know how gross cafeteria food is!" Ken said. Jack nodded his head a couple of times, like a broken bobble head, eventually it just stopped.

"Are you alright, Jack?" I asked him.  

"Yeah, I'm fine." He lied to me.

I put my hand on his back and rubbed it gently. "What did Felix do?"

"He didn't do anything." Jack said. I could see his tired eyes beginning to water. I looked Ken who sat just as shocked as I did. "I didn't do anything to them, the bastards."

"Who? Bo and Wayne?" Ken asked.

"All of them!" Jack huffed. "They all do it! Their entire posse of idiots!" He broke down at this point and I looked at Ken who was moving closer. He put his hands on Jack's knees.

"Hey, relax." Ken said. "It's alright." Jack pushed away from both of us, he stood up and wiped his eyes.

"You need to get to class, see you later." Jack sighed and took off. I looked at Ken and we both sighed.


Upon heading to fifth period, I was walking next to Marzia and Felix was behind us, talking loudly to Bob. We all had fifth period together, and it was fine and everything but I was still mad at Felix.

I heard some kids shouting and Marzia gave me an odd glance before we rushed over to see a crowd of people standing around what looked like a fight. The four of us wiggled our way in and I let out a gasp as Marzia looked like she would begin to cry.

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