Chapter Eight: Jack

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Saturday, September 31st

The black t-shirt I wore was a little less than I should have initially worn. I wish I had brought a jacket but it was too late. Felix and I walked to the fountain, I sat down at it and he stood anxiously. He really did want to impress Marzia. "Do I look okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. You do." I said. Felix's baseball t-shirt and dark jeans was a common outfit. His lightweight jacket was also casual. I thought casual was better. After all, it was a not-so-official date at the fair. "Don't mess this up by being a tool, Felix. I gave you a chance with Marzia, don't blow it. Also, Marzia is going to show up with Mark do not freak out."

"What!? They're going on a date and I'm just going to be here!?" Felix immediately freaked out.

"No they're not! I'm telling you this because they're not. There's going to be six of us so it's a little less awkward." I sighed. "Marzia's only bringing Mark because she wants us to get along better. She thinks me spending time with him will achieve that."

"Oh." Felix said, he laughed nervously. Clearly embarrassed by his outburst. "I see them, what should we do? How do we act natural!?"

"Calm, down." I sighed. "Freaking out is not natural. How about you just focus on not blowing this by acting like a total jerk. Just be yourself! Marzia will be happy if you just act how you normally do. And if you see any of your jock friends, do not toss her to the side. Put your attention into her."

"Alright, thank you Jack." Felix took a deep breath. "You know, I'm not always the best friend in the world, but I really appreciate you sticking with me all this time. Even if I'm a total asshole."

"Aren't we all?" I laughed lightly.

"Hi boys!" Marzia smiled and waved to us, I could see a grim look on Mark's face and he looked like I was the last person who he wanted to see. I didn't blame him. I was extremely nervous. I thought I was going to start shaking at any time but I had no idea why. I guess I was worried about the future of these two fool couples.

Leslie gave me a look and mouthed the word "fears" and I thought about that for a moment.

"What do you want to do first?" Maggie asked. "I would rather wait to go on a scary ride, but I guess we could always split up if you really wanted to."

"Maybe we should start with games then." Leslie shrugged. "After all, I think the rides are what everyone goes to first anyways." I nodded my head along with everyone else as we walked towards the area. I walked behind Marzia and Felix next to Mark. Felix was doing really well from what I could see, they were talking about a horror movie that had yet to come out, but looked really interesting.

"Uh.. Wonderful weather?" I laughed nervously as I looked at Mark. I ducked my head back down when I saw the awful expression on his face. "I'm disgusting."

"Yeah. Kind of." Mark shrugged.

"Um.." I bit down my lip as I thought. "How do you feel about roller coasters?"

"Oh, I've never been on one. Have you?" Mark asked.

I thought about it. "It's been a really long time since I've been on one. I think the last time I was on one was when my.." I trailed off when I thought about it. When I was really young, my father took me on some of the little kid roller coasters. It was back when he was.. Kind.

"You alright?" Mark asked. Before I could answer Marzia spoke up.

"Well, how about we all meet up here in an hour!" Marzia suggested. "Then we can go on a roller coaster together so don't eat anything!"

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