Teen!Lock #1

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This is my first Teen!Lock cuz usually I do when their already adults but I decided to give it a shot and tbh I'm pretty proud of it. Enjoy! And Please(if you wish) Vote or Comment at the end!(:   <3 Sorry for any erros, i'll fix it soon

Today it'd been the first day of school for both Sherlock and John. They've never had met or even seen each other before this. They have classes together, but they had never noticed one another until they partnered up for a chemistry experiment in the lab.

"Hi" said young Sherlock putting in his safety goggles and preparing the gas.
"What's your name?" John asks tightening his goggles strap around while staring at Sherlock who is lighting up the fire.

"Sherlock. Sherlock Holmes"
"John. John Watson" John says giving Sherlock a hand shake and seeing a small grin planted on him.
"Which one are we lighting up first?"
"Sodium Chloride"
"Ok" John walks over to the beakers and grabs the stick meant for sodium chloride and hands it to Sherlock.
"Thank you" He mumbles placing it over the fire when it then ignites into an orange color. They both admire it for a few seconds when Sherlock then places it inside a water beaker to stop the stick from burning up any further.

"So!, orange right?"
"Yes" They repeat the same cycle with the rest of the metals in the the Flame rest.

"That was easy enough wasn't it?" John says trying to start a conversation, Sherlock hums in agreement. Sherlock glances at John making sure he wasn't looking back. He had to admit John was pretty descent and handsome. He smiles at the thought of looking at him that way.

'I wonder if I ask him to hangout after school, he'd say yes' John wondered peeking at Sherlock through the corners of his eyes. (Sherlock had noticed anyway).


"Everything alright?"
"Yea..hm..I-I was wondering if you'd wanna hang out.... after school with me"

Damn it, john with all the mumbling and stuttering...That could've gone better.

"What?, I didn't hear you" Sherlock asked.
"Do you wanna hang out after school?"
"What? I couldn't hear you" Sherlock teased knowing John was getting irritated.
"Sherlock, you heard me" John said firmly.
"I know" Sherlock smiles.

"Yes, I would love to come over to your house and hang out with you after school"
Sherlock said grabbing the worksheet and his pen folding it and sliding it inside his pocket along with his hands.

"Ok!, Class it is now time to head back to class and if you didn't finish the questions in time then it is for homework...Let's go!"

They began walking out the door.
"At least we don't have to do homework"
Humored Sherlock making John laugh.


It'd been a long day for both Sherlock and John as they both were anxious to meet again.


John hurries to his bus stop avoiding any collision with anyone that comes his way. He finds his bus stop, gets inside, and scans for Sherlock.

"John!" Sherlock waves kneeling on the seat.

"Hey, Sherlock what's up?" John takes off is backpack and sits down making the seat go,


"I think I need to loose some weight" They both laughed and they talked and talked until they got to John's house where they both had learned a little more about each other. They then walked inside John's home.

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