Mystrade #1

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Don't Touch-(Mature Rating)

"Why are we playing this"

"Because I would like to see you try and resist"

"You know your gonna loose right?"

"How would you know?"

"It's not like I get turned on that easily, did you forget I don't feel anything"

"Fine, Mr Sociopath let's begin"

"Here are the rules-" Lestrade sat on Mycroft's lap seductively keeping full contact to his eyes.

"One, you cannot touch me anywhere...if you do you will loose"

He says gesturing with his words.

"Two, you cannot moan either"
Mycroft interrupts.

"Pfft, says he one who moans the hell out of himself when it's on"

Gregory smiles, chuckling silently on the inside.

"How many rules are there?"
"Three!...well this isn't a rule but I allow this only for myself"
"And what would that be?"
"Only I, get to grind on you"

Mycroft smiles putting on his you-know-your-gonna-loose-face very quickly.

"Let's begin then-"
"Let's begin"

Gregory slowly moves in spreading his hands behind him as well as does Mycroft.

They kiss very softly at first then becomes passionate to then go at a fast pace and going back to slow and passionate kiss.

As Gregory has already promised in the rules, he starts grinding slowly against Mycroft pants on the area where he knows is aching for Mycroft.

Greg takes a peek while kissing seeing Mycroft's hand slowly reach toward Greg's hips, he taps on his hand giving him a warning by humming in his mouth.

Mycroft fights for his dominance with his tongue. Greg smiles teasing him not letting him in making Mycroft grunt in desperation.

"Gregory, stop" He whines backing away for a moment then going back in.

"Hmm" Mycroft moans, Greg pulls back smiling.

"Well well, look who lost"

"What happens now?" He asked and Greg climbs out his lap and slowly pushing Mycroft on his back pushing the pillows in the couch to the ground.

"Now comes the fun part"
-"I get to do whatever I desire"

"Oh, really?"
"What are you gonna do?"
"Be patient you'll see"

Greg leaves to go to his room and comes back with a sex toy used to masturbate on oneself.

"A toy?...What's that for?"

Greg rather than responding slowly unbuckles Mycroft's pants pulling them down along with his boxers revealing his erect member.

"I thought you couldn't get aroused"

"Well, I sorta let myself"

"Or maybe I'm just that good"

Mycroft laughs.  Greg sits in front of his member and slides the toy into his member making Mycroft gasp then grunt.

Greg presses the on button and the toy begins vibrating and sliding up and down on the inside bringing only extreme pleasure to Mycroft.

Mycroft moans and gets shut by Gregory kissing his hungry lips toward his.

Intimately, they start to hold each other closer and running their hands through each other's hair.

Mycroft moans once again, but in fast breaths this time knowing Mycroft is dying inside feeling way too good.

"Stop, stop...I can't take it anymore, it's too...much" He moans out to Gregory.

He nods and turns off the vibrator and slides it off slowly making Mycroft grunt.

"Are you ok, love?"

Mycroft pants.

"Yes, I am"

Greg lies down on top of him lying his head on Mycroft's panting chest hearing his fast heartbeat.

"I love you, Mycroft"

"I love you, Gregory"

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