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I know this one sucks Lol but I wanted to how'd I do with Parent!Lock oh well..
Here you go for the day.

"William Scott Watson  Holmes!" John angrily yells down the steps with glitter splattered across his face. Small footsteps Recides into the kitchen.
John reaches down the steps and into the kitchen where he heard the little footsteps go.

Blow horns!!'

"Happy Birthday!"
"Happy birthday Dad!"

"My birthday isn't until tomorrow"

"We know but we wanted to do a early celebration that way tomorrow we can spend some time together"

Sherlock cups his glittered cheeks and places a quick kiss on the lips.

"Daddy look-" John smiles picking William up in his arms.

"What do you wanna show me?"
John walks over to where William Is  pointing towards. His backpack.

John puts down William and he runs to his backpack where he pulls out a paper from the school.

"What's this?"
"Read it" Sherlock said matter-of-factly smiling.

"Dear Parents of William Scott Watson Holmes,

The school board has taken noticed in your child and has seen much improvement that are quite more intelligent than his current grade. He is doing very well above his grade level and we would like to ask you to please send him to an advanced school for gifted youngsters near London.
  Please call us at 324- 678- 9344"

"Oh my goodness! William! I'm so proud of you!" John laughs giving a million kisses on Williams face.

"Daaaad, your kissing me too much"
"Sorry, I'm just so happy for you"
"Looks like we have a smart one in our hands" Sherlock remarks.
"Just like you" John says making Sherlock smile and he gives him a minute Long kiss.

"Now whose ready to eat some cake!" John says.

"Let's go"

"I love you John"
"I love you too smartarse"
They both laugh and eat cake with young Watson Holmes.


If you guys would like to give me a prompt! I would love that so much! Comment below or just Message me on wattpad! :) thank you. 

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