Johnlock #6

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A/N:Please don't kill me...It's not sad just....hehehe oops? I'll leave the suspense for a while so form as many theories as you want whilst reading it, my lovely followers. Oh! One more thing.....*internally screams inside* THIS BOOK HAS REACHED 1K!!!! *clears throat* And because of that I wanna do a special short story with every single canon of your Comment which canon you want and whichever wins i'll choose it and we'll see what happens from there anyway i'm talking too much, bye!



I couldn't tell Sherlock what I had done. I couldn't tell him that I had committed something really bad. I don't know how he's going to react to this...Should I even tell him? If I tell him he might want to never, ever talk to me again and I just couldn't deal with that because I can't live without Sherlock by my bedside. I could pretend like nothing ever happened and just keep my mouth shut, but sooner or later he'll find out and it'll hurt him worse. I couldn't do that to him, but then again it would just mess everything in every way if I didn't. Oh, what have I done?

I walk home to Baker Street from working the night shift at St. Bartholomew's Hospital and unlock the door, step inside, and close it behind me as I enter. As I was about to take the second flight of stairs Mrs Hudson stops me and greets me, "Hello, John. How was work last night?", She amiably asks me with a smile. I give her a fake smile and respond, "It was Ok, I guess"-I awkwardly look away-"But thanks for asking"

Just as she turned to leave I called her back and asked her wondering, "Is S-Sherlock h-home? Do you know?. She shrugged her shoulders and said,"I don't know, sweetie"- She sighs -"If he isn't, he's probably with Lestrade", She suggested.

"Another case?" "I can't say...I don't know", She shrugged her shoulders again and peeped away for a moment. I sighed secretly hoping he wouldn't show up just yet. "Well, I should go, I have a workload of papers to get through", I informed and she waved me goodbye as we both went to our separate flat's.I stepped inside to an empty flat which I was happy about and sat at my writing desk, pulled put my very thick folder, and sighed tiredly.

"Well, better now than never", I told myself not exactly believing what I said because I don't ever want to do this anymore anyways, but it has to be done.

4 hours later...

"Ah!...What the hell?" -I felt hands suddenly shake me furiously and I realize I had been sleeping on my computer drooling unto my paper and groan at it to then I look behind me to see a smiling Sherlock. Oh, no.

"Hello" I frowned,"Hi?..." "What were you doing before you started snoring?",Sherlock smiled and I couldn't help, but feel weird with his sudden mood change. I mean ever since we started our relationship he'd been happy 24/7, but not this much. "I was–Oh!" Sherlock cupped my cheeks and placed a very gentle kiss on my lips, but I pulled him back and his face flushed with confusion. I couldn't do it...Not right after what I had done. Not yet anyway.

"What's wrong?", Sherlock asked me curiously and with his hand on my shoulder I stood up and intertwined my hand with his. "Sherlock,I...I have to tell you something", I told him with all the bravery and confidence I could endure, but I'm so afraid too. "It's not good, isn't it?",He asked innocently and a gallon of tears wanted to come up my throat. I shook my head and stared down as I couldn't face him. These four words I was about to spill out to him sound to innocent, but are probably the most hurtful and the worst words one could ever hear from their partner in a relationship.

I pulled my hand away and I looked deeply into his eyes for just a second then back down once again. I sighed shakily and slowly tried forming the sentence together in my head and when I thought I had done it I quickly decide it's not worth it because there is no delicate or innocent way to say this so I'm just going to say this and hope for the best, right?

"Sherlock, I...There's something I need to tell you something. I'm not sure how I'm going to tell you, but I guess what any partner would do in this situation is beg you to forgive me", I looked backed up at him and he was...chuckling. I was so confused and I haven't even said anything yet. What is so funny?

"Wha-" "Continue...Your confession, please don't let me distract you", He calmly informed me and I was so confused, but my frightened emotion was coming back and hitting me hard once again.

"I...Cheated on you...", At that moment I wanted to punch myself in the face for having said it and felt like everything was going to shatter into pieces and it wouldn't even matter if I taped them back up because this is it. I know it. I just have to wait.

"I know",Sherlock said with a laughing tone. "Sherlock." I called his name in disbelief. How could he be so calm about this? "It's alright",Sherlock said and I had to ask him because it was actually annoying me how he could just not care what a terrible thing I had done to him. "How...can you say it was alright? How do you even know?", I asked him just pleading for answers. Anything to make sure I'm not dreaming this; This needs to be really happening. Sherlock points at the left of my head and I frowned. "That told me" "What about it? It's just my hair" "Yeah,...Very flat hair", He commented and I couldn't wrap my mind around it. I don't understand. "You slept on a bed your clearly not comfortable with and this-",Sherlock pulled out a long blond hair that clearly was not mine and held it up in the gap between us.

"-Very blond hair...and long so it tells me you slept with Mary. Was it not?", His deductions skills are the one thing I wish he didn't have right now. "Yes...I'm sorry",I whispered. Sherlock unexpectedly hugs me and pulls me in closer to him where I was left shocked at how calmly he took this information like it was nothing. I was afraid for no reason because he would've noticed it sooner or later anyway of course. It's Sherlock!

"I forgive you, John.", He whispered pulling back from our hug and he looked into my eyes. I was mesmerized as I looked at his eyes too that tend to constantly change from light blue to dark green. Right now it was a blueish green and it was so beautiful.

"At least you told me and that's all that matters even though I obviously would've noticed anyway", Sherlock said in his know-it-all voice which made me laugh. I punch his shoulder slightly earning a confused expression yet delighted at the same time from him.

"You idiot" "You short-arse" I laughed out loud and kissed him deeply with everything I could and the short arse that I am I had to tiptoe to reach his perfectly, soft pink lips.  

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