Mystrade #2

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•The Robbery•

'Mycroft...we have a robbery in process'

'Why would I be interested in a robbery?, tell your DI Lestrade'

'Because Greg is inside at gunpoint'


"What's going on?"
Asked Mycroft as Anthea closed the door behind him.
"Me and Sherlock had been on a case with Greg but he had to go to the bank and almost an hour later Sherlock gets called upon by Donovan that Greg was stuck inside a robbery taking place"

"How long ago was this?"

As John went to speak Sherlock stepped in.
"Approximately an hour ago"

"Do you have eyes inside the place?"

"Over here!"
Yelled Sergeant Donovan pointing towards her screens. Mycroft and the others all walked over and Mycroft started deducing the robber.
"That's the robber"
"Obviously Anderson, you think Mycroft has a low IQ like you"
"Girls" John said. Anderson snarled and growled under his breath forcefully zipping up his forensic jacket. Mycroft sighed looking at both.

The robber:
Wife, troubling marriage, two dogs, safety is on the gun, obviously he's inexperienced, first time doing something like this, otherwise strong and observant.

"He doesn't know what he's doing-"

"How can you tell?" Asked Donovan.

"Look at the gun, he has the safety on" Deduced John and everyone gives him a glare.

"Good deduction, John. He's catching up faster than you lot"
Commented Sherlock, John smiled at him.

"Are you guys done flirting?"
Sherlock and John gave him a death stare. Mycroft knew something was going on between them he just couldn't tell how far.
"Can we please focus on Greg?! Or did we forget he's inside with a stupid robber pointing the gun at him!"

"Yes, sorry Mycroft" Said John.

"Have you called him yet?"
"Not yet"
"Well what are you waiting for?"
"Right, sorry"
Donovan picked up the phone on the table and started dialing the banks number. They can then start hearing the ringing from the camera inside the bank where the robber looks around and walks over behind the first window.

They can hear people mumbling, and whimpering whilst Gregory has his eyes planted on the robber.

"His name is Dan Phillips, no known criminal record, attended Oxford university, married, no kids and has two dogs"

Informed Donovan as she hears the mans voice.

"Hi, my name Sally Donovan and I am the sergeant inspector at the London Scotland Yard and I just wanna talk with you, will that be alright?"

"What do you want?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all I just want you to please let the innocent people go."

"And if I don't?"

"Well, we have our men extract you out of there by using a gas which could harm you and the people around you. Plus you have one of our men inside."

"Is that right?"

"Very, look at the man sitting in front window three"

The robber takes a look behind him and Greg waves at him almost like he wants to pounce at him.

"I'm not just gonna let him leave"

"How about I propose something to you...that sound good?"

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