Johnlock #3

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'This one's short and a bit sad...'


'Goodbye, John'


End of Dream


"SHERLOCK!!" I feel someones arms tightly wrapped my chest and arms as I try to fight my way out of this person's hold while I'm sobbing and slowly weakening.

"John! Stop it!...It's over, it was just a dream" I finally give up and I lie there with his hold knowing he's alive, but the dream and that scene won't go away. It now haunts me like anything ever has before. He carries me to the couch in our living room and places a warm blanket over me and he sits on the ground next to my face where I can see his beautiful, soft pale person that I've come to love.

"Your ok, John"-"I'm Here know that, right?"
I nod in response caressing his cheeks.

"Are you ever going to leave me, Sherlock?"
"Never means forever, John"
"I love you"
"I love you too, John. Never forget it...Promise me?"
I smile and kiss his lips gently. "I promise" 

"Ok. Now sleep my dear John"
I start closing my eyes and groggily answer, "Ok..."  I hear him stand up and kisses my forehead making me smile before fully falling asleep.


'Do you think he'll ever recover from these hallucinations, Doc?' Asked Mrs.Hudson along with Greg on her side comforting her with his arm around her shoulder.

'I'm afraid this is the worst case I've seen in my career. I can't say he'll ever be ok, all we can do is hope for the best, m'am' 

Mrs.Hudson slowly starts tearing up and Greg takes her in for a long hug. 

'My boy, Greg. He's hurting badly'
'I know, I know,shh everything will be ok soon' 

'I hope so'

What no one knew was that Sherlock would enter every night during 3 in the morning to greet John and see how he's doing, but he can't reveal that he's alive. He has to let John believe he's hallucinating until he comes back and it hurts him too.

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