JohnLock #2

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•Sad John•

Sherlock could hear whimpering and soft crying coming from the other room. John's room.

He didn't understand why but every time Sherlock would ask what's wrong John always replied with a 'Nothing, I'm fine'.

He knew he wasn't fine but sometimes he can't even read his friend moreover someone's feelings.

Sherlock had just finished brewing up some tea for them both and placed it in front of johns door as it was closed and Sherlock would lightly tap on the door,

"If you want tea...I've put some out on your doorstep" Said Sherlock through the doors gap.

He could hear a faint, 'OK' coming from the other side.

He would do this very often as he knows johns pattern.
Tea in the morning when he first Wakes up,
lunch with no tea,
a snack in the afternoon,
after dinner an hour or so later, tea with biscuits.

Sherlock made sure he wouldn't mess up his routine of the day. So he did it for him.

John most likely appreciates it as every time Sherlock comes back to Check on the food or drink left for him, it's usually empty.

---Two days later---

"John..." Whispered Sherlock through the gap trying his best to lie his body on the ground comfortably.


"What, Sherlock..." John weakly said.

"Are you ok...?"

"Nothing, it's fine"

"No it isn't. You've been crying for the past two days straight and locked in your room so tell me how that's being fine"

Sherlock said hearing heavy footsteps come towards the door and Sherlock shuffles to his feet when he door opens to a very depressed, unwell dressed, hunched over John.

"Is this what you wanted to see?"

"What's going on?"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you..."

"And why is that?"

"Because it won't matter and you won't care because you'll never feel the same"

Sherlock catches on and looks down hiding his smile which John
Doesn't take notice, if he does he doesn't say it.

"I think I know what your talking about, John"
John's face screams nothing but surprise and almost frightened at the thought of him already figuring it out. Sherlock is smart...or should I say 'Clever'.

You...d-do?" John whispers. Sherlock doesn't say anything but rather cups john's wet cheeks filled with his tears and kisses John.

Johns eyes widen at the astonishment. He starts to kiss back by wrapping his arm around Sherlocks neck while the other one is caressing his cheek, pulling him closer as if to always stay like this and never let go.

Then Sherlock pulls back and he presses his forehead against John's.

"I love you too, Idiot"

"I love you, smartarse"

They laugh deeply and reconnect their kiss smiling.

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