Teen!Lock #4

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This is Dedicated to Help-_-me who gave me this idea! I hope it's good! Warning; Contains cute fluff! Btw their 19 here.


Sherlock had been acting really weird today and John could tell something was just off. When they went to a crime scene it seemed as if Sherlock was ready to get out of there and go home. Sherlock. Sherlock wanted to go home! That's unlike him, usually he'd be the one begging to have a case on his hands. Weird, right?

Anyway they were now home and Sherlock still was his unusual self, pacing back and forth in his bedroom grabbing some clothes and his scarf which normally wouldn't be weird but the next thing he said was...

"John!" He called from his room. John sits in his chair typing up their last case in his blog.

"Yes?" John responded back.
There was a moments silence before Sherlock came back into the living room with empty shopping bags in his arms and hands.

"Would you like to go shopping with me, John?"
John stuttered unable to get any words out with the sudden question.
"John, you know I hate repeating myself...did you hear me?"
"No...well yea-I-what?" Sherlock sighes.
"Ok, just because it's you, I'll repeat myself again"
"John...Would you like to Go shopping with me?" John still stuttering, Sherlock hands him a bag and drags him towards the door.

"Are you alive? John!"
"Yes!...yes I'll go with you, but why?"
"Do you not want to come with me?"
"No! Let's go, let's go"
Sherlock give him a cute smile John hadn't seen before, making a chill run down his spine just wanting to caress his cheek for a moment, but holds his hand back.

They walk out and hail a cab. They tell the cabbie to take them to central London and it's takes them about 20-ish minutes to get there. They pay the cabbie and head out to enter the nearest store.

"Clothing? Oh...you literally meant shopping" Sherlock looks over at him.
"John...what did you think I mean?"
"Oh...I don't know. I thought you'd take me to see a dead body or buy one" Sherlock scoffs heading towards a rack.
"If that was the case, I would've just killed someone..." John takes a step back at Sherlocks weird comments he makes like that almost laughing nervously to himself.

"So, anything you like, John? There's some jumpers back there if you'd like to go seem them" Sherlock suggests pulling a hanger with a similar charcoal colour coat similar to his.

John looks over the other end of the store seeing a label reading,
In the top.

"Yeah, I'll be right back"
"Alright" Sherlock mumbles under his breath pulling another coat from the racket inspecting his pockets. John looks at him one more time and nods heading the jumpers section.

Once he gets there he starts scanning over the racket for anything he might like, but can't stop staring at Sherlock as he pulls coats over himself to try it on.

"He looks so adorable, oh my goodness" He whispers not noticing a man had been next to him searching for a jumper too looking at him weird.

"Heh, sorry I was just thinking about something" John nervously chuckles.

"Mmm mhm" The man hums clearly not agreeing.

John sees Sherlock coming over to him with some random colored coats on his hands. John panics and grabs a random jumper pulling it over himself as if trying it on.

"John...which coat looks bett-"
Sherlock stops for a second staring into Johns random chosen jumper.

"Are you getting that?" Sherlock points to the jumper and John finally gives it a state realizing how horrible it look on him so he quickly took it off landing it on the ground. Sherlock chuckles and John could swear for a second he saw him blushing.

"Which one? Do You think?" Sherlock says pulling over a full on black coat on and then pulls over a dark brown one over.

"Hmm....Definitely the black one. It suits you better" John smiles and Sherlock nods agreeing.

"Haha...You welcome, Sherlock"
There he goes again. Sherlock blushing. John knows he saw that for sure this time. Sherlock clears his throat.

"So, uh, are you ready to go now?"
"Are you not getting anything?"
John looks over the racket giving a pat.
"No, it's fine. Just you I suppose"
Sherlock nods tilting his head for a moment.
"Ok, let's go then"
"Alright" John follows behind Sherlock and he sees the man he saw earlier giving him a playful smirk, John looks away quickly blushing embarrassingly.

After they finish buying Sherlocks coat they head back into 221B and get settled as John prepares some coffee for the both while Sherlock tires on his new coat like a child whom just received a new present.

"How do you like it?" Sherlock says jumping inside the kitchen showing it off to John. John looks up from having been staring into the pot.

"It looks really nice, Sherlock"
"You think?"
"Yeah, I do really" John smiles and Sherlock stares down at his feet.

"You alright, sherl-"
"Yea, I'm-I'm-I'm fine" Johns never heard him so insecure before and so shy. John finds it adorable.

Sherlock walks over to him and gives him a hug. John alms or backs away by the sudden action and hugs him back feeling the warmth that's wrapped around him and hearing Sherlock melodic heartbeat through his ears. John takes on the 'Sherlock smell' through his nose admiring it. Then Sherlock pulls back and once again blushes. John doesn't tell him, but he knows Sherlock can tell he is himself.

"Wanna, uh...watch a movie?"
"Yeah, that'd be great" John answers loving the soft side of Sherlock only he'd ever get to see when their alone.

After having drunk their coffee and prepared the movie, they were now on the couch with Johns legs extended all the way to the small table in front of them while Sherlock cuddled in the couch like a fetus.

John couldn't help but look at him every now and then feeling eyes in himself every now and then as well. This made him smile at the thought of Sherlock staring him in that way.

"I'm freezing" Sherlock whispered cuddling up against John burying his head on his warm, breathing chest. John gets taken by surprise but feels so warm by him, he runs his hand through Sherlocks black, curly hair. He could somehow feel Sherlock smile as he cuddles deeper into him wrapping the blanket around both of them.

John plants a kiss on Sherlock curly head feeling a chill run down his own spine as well as did Sherlock feeling loved. Something he never really felt before. Johns hand runs down his back for more comfort and plants another kiss on his head when Sherlock looks up at him staring for a few moments when he plants a gentle, cute, soft kiss on John lips.

John caresses Sherlocks cheek and cherishes this moments and makes sure he keeps this memory forever locked in his mind.

Sherlock pulls back with that same gentle smile he had earlier and snuggles into John once again wrapping the blanket further to the both of them.

They fall asleep together in the same cuddling position every night as they did the first. They never had to say a word as they already knew what they felt for one other.

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