John!lock #8 Pt. 2

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-Sorry for any grammar, if any-


I breathed nervously as I walked closer to 221b Baker Street. It was cold out so my arms were crossed together tightly and every now and then I'd cup my hands on my mouth to blow warm breathe into them. At one point a dog ran up to me, panting and hopping on it's two hind legs. I got on one knee and pet the dog which seemed to be a mix of a poodle and golden retriver so it had a nice two-tone brown, fluffy hair.

 A nice, pretty woman stood in front of me, and, as if on command, the dog seated himself. I stood up and the beautiful woman with rare blueish green eyes stared back at me.

She instantly apologized for the inconvenience and I told her,

"Oh, no it's alright." I had said chuckling a bit. She smiled and walked off with the dog, now on a leach.

I continued my walk and finally reached 221b's door.I tremulously turned the door knob(As it was already unlocked) , went inside, and closed it behind me.Walking up the stairs quietly, pressing on my heels first, and I heard the soothing sound of the violin. Sherlock's violin. I slid the door open, slowly, and saw Sherlock standing in front of the window, but facing towards his stand and music which looked incredibly difficult yet he made it sound so easy and beautiful.

I genuinely smiled and must have been standing there for at least five minutes when Sherlock lengthen the note getting quieter the longer he played. After he lifted, what I believe it's called, his 'bow' and exhaled slowly as if pleased with his peformance.

"That was beautiful" I commented closing the door behind me and he instantly turned around resting his violin on my writing desk along with his bow. 

"Thank you" He smiled and I couldn't help, but bite my lip. He stood in his usual straight posture with his hands clasped together behind him. 

"So," Sherlock took his seat in his armchair and I followed siting in my own, "Where were you?" He asked.

"St.Bartholomew's," I added, "with Molly. I'm fine" Sherlock nodded and looked about the room to end back at me grinning. I frowned, but didn't ask what he was smiling about.

"Uh, any new cases?" I asked.



"A woman probably in her late-20's named Violet Smith came about earlier and told me a quite interesting narration. Every night she'd pedal her bike home, but three weeks ago a man, she did not recognize, has been following her home from a distance."

I scoffed, "Well, I'm sure it was a mad lad who's in love with her. Obessesively"

"No, I'm thinking quite the opposite, John."

"Protecting her?"


"What gave you that hint?"

"A lot of things"


Sherlock seemed offended yet admired by what I said."Do you still question my ability to deduct?"

"I didn't say that"

"Hm...Thought you did" 

I cleared my throat and remembered that I wanted to tell Sherlock...that I love him. But how can I tell Sherlock? It's Sherlock we're talking about. An emotionless machine. Let's see...

"Uh, so you ever liked anyone before? Because I have--Well, I don't even loved them in that way and I knew I was never going to marry any of them, but it was a fun past time thing I think--"

"John!" I felt like I've been brought back to reality. 

"Slow down. I can't understand anything you're saying" He informed me and I nodded.

"Right. O.K., sorry"

"It's alright. Now, can you take it slow? But quite quickly"

I nodded and sighed, "Sherlock...,"


"There's something I've been meaning to tell you, but I haven't known how to"

Sherlock looked upon me with the udmost attention. I exhaled shakily and saw Sherlock's eyes widened. His expression frightened and worried me.

"Sherlock, what's wrong?"

"What? Oh, nothing. Pray continue"

"I'm sorry I- I can't" I abruptly stood up and leaned back against the wall that separated the kitchen to the hallway that leads to Sherlock room. Sherlock walked over to me curiously. He didn't say anything as if expecting me to continue. I looked past his ear because it's not the first time Sherlock has psychologically made me feel uncomfortable. 

"I'm not falling for that."

"I know." He whispered and I now noticed how close he was. My breathe got hitched at the back of my throat. I pushed back further even though there was nowhere to go. Again, he stepped closer.

"Sher-" I whispered trailing off when Sherlock leaned closer. My heart is racing so fast I feel as if I'll pass out any minute. Sherlock placed his hands on either side of the wall and I swallowed hardly. Sherlock then set one of his hands on my cheek and he closed his eyes. I closed my aswell and before I knew it his lips where on mine. They felt so soft and tasted like mint flavoured chapstick which made it all the better. I brought my hand up to his pale cheeks and stepped forward to closed the gap between us, but Sherlock pushed me back against the wall.

I exonerated an unwanted moan and that's when he pulled back. I opened my eyes slowly with his dark green eyes looking back at me.

"I do too"

"You do too what?"

Sherlock gave the same grin as before, "Love you, John."

I laughed happily and in disabelief.

"I love you too" I excitedly whispered.

"Shut up" Sherlock kissed me again when we heard the door we stopped and turned towards...Mrs.Hudson.

She hasn't reacted which worried me. "I always knew there was something going on between you too. John, you want one room now like I asked you the first day you here?"

"Yes, actually" Sherlock and I smiled at each other.

We're together...Haha.

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