Freebatch #1?

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"That was really well done! Benedict, come here a second" Toby Haynes, our director, called out and Benedict stood up from the ground giving me a quick glance and walks over to Toby. I'm left standing there with my phone to my side, staring at the fake blood. I got so into being John Watson that I forgot where I was and that I was even acting. It all came so naturally. I'm actually sad.

"Martin!" Mark put his arm around me and I smiled lightly.


"You alright, lad?" He said noticing my expression I let out.

"I'm fine, Mark" I lied.

"O.K...Is something going on with you and Amanda?" He asked and I jerked my head up.

"What? No-No, nothing like that" I informed and Mark patted my shoulder backing away.

"Talk to me.If you ever need too,alright?" I nodded and he walked away. 

Why am I so depressed? This wasn't real! I need to keep telling myself that. I've never really read the Sherlock Holmes book series so I wouldn't know if this actually the last episode, but if it was Steve or Mark would've told the whole cast. Benedict is still here...He's unharmed and well. I even saw him climb down the ladder to the ground while the Prop and Makeup team worked on both the ground and Benedict himself when he reached his green 'x' mark to lie down on.

Acting as John, I lost my bestfriend Sherlock. As myself, I haven't lost my bestfriend, Benedict. I'm happy I haven't. I turned around towards Benedict and he was already walking  towards me. When he reached he hugged me sympathetically.

"I actually felt like I lost you. It all looked so real." I teared up slightly, but not enough for him to notice.

"I know. I'm still here, I promise." 

I smiled.


 This actually happened. Of course the dialogue and everything else was me, but they actually hugged because Martin felt sad after filming the fall.

Should I do more of these???

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