Mystrade #4

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-Mycroft's P.T.V.-

"Sir, you have a call on line 2" My secretary informed closing the door on her way out.

I picked the phone and set it on my ear expecting the prime minister or the government, but it was Gregory Lestrade from Scotland Yard.

Why is he calling me?

"Mycroft Holmes, right?"
"Yes, how did you get this number?", I asked as I layed back on my chair.

"Can I come see you?", Gregory asked me and I couldn't stop my expression from being so confused.

"Do you realize not everybody can just come and stroll through here, right?", I informed him.

"I understand...I already told the secretary I was coming over and she appreciated my warning her of my future presence at your office, Mycroft"-I heard a shaky sigh-"Will that be ok with you?"

I wasn't if to say yes because why would Gregory want to see me?  I honestly don't understand that.

"Fine, but there better be a reason"

                       * * *

The door opens once again.
"Sir, Gregory Lestrade is here to see you" She informs me and gesture for him to come into my office. She leaves for about a minute then I see a frightened Lestrade come into the center of my office as the secretary closed the door behind her.

Gregory doesn't say anything as if waiting for me to say start the conversation.
"You may take a seat", -I suggest and he accepts taking a seat shyly-"Was there you something you needed?", I asked him.

He rubs his shaky hands clearly anxious for what he wants to say hesitating to say it.
"Uhm...I didn't actually need something. I wanted to a-ask you something", He lets me know and I sigh patiently.

"What is it?", I continue to remain patient, but it's slowly wearing off. Gregory gives a very shaky,sharp inhale and finally stares at me rather then my table.

"This might be a bit absurd, but"- Gregory briefly looks at his shaking hands then back to me.-"Can you stand over here...Mycroft?", He said standing at the spot he wants me which is on the side of my desk.

"Now, why would that be Gregory?", I ask and he gives a nervous chuckle.

"I just need you to do it, Mycroft. Please?", He pleaded and I felt I had no choice, but to follow what he says. I stood up firmly and walked where he wanted me at and stood there in front of me.

Gregory looked out through my office window and said, "Can they see us here?", I frowned at why he'd ask such a question,but I answered anyway.

"No. Only I can, but they can't", I informed him and I saw him grin. I sighed.

He looked up at me for a few moments smiling, but I really don't know what to expect. Then I see his pupils dilate...Oh.

"You like me, don't you" I wanted to ask him, but I can't do that though I would, but I wanna see what happens next.

I was starting to feel impatient and I looked out the window for a few moments and when I looked back my lips were on Gregory's.

I'm kissi--He's kissing me. Why am I kissing back?
Oh, dear. I don't wanna stop either, it feels really nice. His soft lips move syncrhonically with mine. He pushes me against the table where I sit and pull him closer to myself and I can feel him smile.

He pulls back and we're both left panting.
"Why did you do that?",I asked him.
"Why did you kiss me back?"
"Heh, I don't know"

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