Johnlock-ish #5

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Please ignore any grammar or missing words...I was really tired while writing but I like it a lot honestly...enjoy(:


"What's your name?"
"Uhm, Does it matter?"

"No, I just wanna talk"
I close my book hoping to get a response from black,curly head man.

"I don't, soldier"
I blink a couple times.How did he know that?

"Your haircut, the way you stand, in your arm there's a slight tan difference. All that makes me think maybe...Iraq or Afghanistan?"
He says as if it was the most obvious fact ever.

"A-Afghanistan. Do I know y-"

"You also happen to have a brother based on the Inscription on the back of your phone. He is also a drunk  based on the scratches on the charging plug. When he's drunk and he's tries to plug it in he's very tipsy."

"Wow..." I mumble placing my book back on the shelf and lie my shoulder against it, staring into the mysterious man who's focus is still on his book.

"I'm John. John Watson"
There was no response from him.
He finally closed his book without saving the page as if he knew exactly where he'd land it.

"Is there something you want?...John"
"No. I can't just have a chat with you?"
He puts the book back looking desperate and annoyed with me.

"Look, one thing you should know about me is that, I have no friends. Alright. I'd like to keep it that way."
He begins to walk away from me. I don't wanna leave this alone, he seems very interesting to me.

I speed walk over to him, taking my book with me that I had placed on the shelf earlier.
"Hey! Wait" I whisper loudly walking faster beside him. He has long legs.

"Didn't you hear me earlier. I don't want friends"

"Wait! Please for gods sake"
This makes the tall man turn around to face me.

"What" I'm not sure what I wanted to say to him once I actually stopped him but I just felt something inside me that I should continue talking to him and not give up on that.

"Let me take you for dinner, at least"
"Are you serious?"
"Yes. I'm very serious"
He sighs running his hand through his forehead as if he was sweating.

"Fine. Let's go then"


"Enjoy your meals"
"Thank you" I respond as the waitress leaves and the curly man in front of me watches her leave then down at his food. Though he doesn't touch it just stares at it as if he's counting with his lips moving slightly.

"You haven't told me your name yet" I informed him taking my first bite of my steak.

"Why should it matter?"
"Look I've at least taken you this far I should at least have the honor of knowing your name" I respond quickly and swallow my food. He's seems reluctant and willing at the same time.

"Yes, didn't you hear me?-"
"I did. I just...nothing" I give a smile and he frowns at me.

"Something funny?"
"Nope. No, nothing"
He sits back in his chair and scoffs smiling a little I guess at my obscurity. After a few more moments he sits forward again clearly interested in something.

"It was a sister"
"The person who gave me the phone was a girl. 'Harry' is short for Harriet"
"Damn it!" He yells unexpectedly earning several looks from strangers around stopping their conversations and eating.

"Sorry" He apologizes unsure if to me or everyone else or maybe both. I'm not sure. He glances back at me looking to be blushing of embarrassment and I chuckle,but he doesn't seem to notice because of he did he'd probably tell me.

"Oh, God is this going to be one of those stupid human conversation that you try and get to know the other person?"
"Human conversations?..." I whisper to myself wondering what other crazy ideals he comes up with.
After a long silence of awkwardness he speaks once again.

"Do ask what you were going to ask earlier, please"
"Uh, yeah. Uh, I was going to ask wether you had an occupation of any sort?"
"Out of all question that's what you ask me..."
"Is that a prob-"
"I'm a consulting detective"
"A-A what?"
"I'm a consulting detective" He responds matter of factly and slowly as I couldn't understand.

"When police are out of their depths, which is almost always the case, they consult me and I help them or more like I solve the case for them. The only job in the world. I made it up...useful though"

"Hm...interesting" I softly say placing my forks and knife down and he rolls his eyes.

"You've dropped your utensils and your seated the front of your seat so your clearly interested and about to ask me something. Go ahead"

"So you invented this...job?"
"Oh, dear god help me"
"No, I'm really asking Sherlock"
"Yes!" He whispered loudly luckily not getting any devious looks this time.

"Wow" I complement seating back into my chair.

Once again there was a long and longer silence this time and what he had to say next severely impressed me and shocked me, but resulting in me laughing at it though I did accept.

"Would you like to move in at 221b Baker Street?"-"You can move in tomorrow, no questions asked"

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