Sheriarty #1

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(Btw I like referring 'Jim' as 'James')

~Play with me,Sherly~

"Play with me, Sherly"
"Can't you see I'm busy right now?"
"With what?"

James wraps his arms around Sherlock waist while over looking over his shoulders to see whatever Sherlocks inspecting through the microscope.

"James...Can you please back away?"
Sherlock sighed deeply and turns around in his seat to face James.
"Only for a bit alright. What do you wanna do? Watch crap Telly or..."

"I just wanna spend time together isn't that what people do as a couple"

"I don't know, it's not like I have ever had one"

"Never? Like ever ever?"

"That's right, now James-"

Sherlock slightly pins James against the sink sitting him on top and crashes his lips on the criminal who backs away.

"Well someone wants to get it on, don't they?"

"It's just mostly to shut you up really"

"Well that's mean"

"Is it?"

"Yes, now I'm bored... Let's do something before I go out and kill someone"

Sherlock mumbled taking James into his arms as he is surprisingly really light to carry almost as if the only thing he's filled up with is air.

They get comfortable in the couch, James lies his head on his lap and they both click on a random channel.

"What's this?"

"I don't know"

"Ugh! Switch it"


Sherlock goes trough a million channels until James takes the remote and clicks off the television, drops the remote on the ground,  quickly sits on Sherlocks lap facing him.

"Play with me, Sherly"
"I thought you didn't want to"
"Well, now! I do so,come on kiss me"

Sherlock crashes his lips into the consulting criminal's hungry lips as they move syn chronically with each other.

James pulls back,
"You know we're just alike you and I"
"You think I hadn't  noticed"
"Well, a smart arse like you can sometimes even miss the littlest things"
"To that I add, that I find the littlest things to actually be the most important"

The two chuckle and they reconnect. James' hand travels through Sherlocks messy, black curls and the other sliding up and down his back.

"Take... off your ...night gown"
James mumbles in between kisses and starts pulling away Sherlocks blue,silk gown helping Sherlock take it off which then follows by James taking off his own pink, buttoned up shirt.

Sherlock, along with James, unbuttoned each other's clothing, throwing it on the ground. They trail down their hands to the others pants unbuckling it for them.

James pushes back Sherlock so that he's on top and starts trailing kisses down Sherlocks warm neck. Sherlock moans softly making James smile.

"Am I making you feel good?"

"What do you think?"

"I don't know you tell"

"If I can make you moan more than twice I'd call...that a win"
James whispers between kisses. Sherlock can feel James' warm, panting breaths against his neck almost feeling completely turned on by him. 

"Your boring turn"

Sherlock says taking James forcefully and rapidly so that he's on top of James.


James grins and Sherlock plants his lips against James whilst pulling down his pants and his own along with both men's underwear.

"I guess someone was ready to play"

James said seductively and grinning.


Cliffhanger? Yes I did. Srry lol maybe next time. Yes I'm mean deal with it 😅

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