Chapter 2

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Emma's POV

I reached Regina's vault and she was already there. Obviously she just used magic to get here. I don't like doing that because I learned it while I was the Dark One. Its dark magic, I think. And I'm stronger than to give into the darkness.

"So, Emma. Why did you tell me to meet you here?"

"Its Ashley..." I took a deep breath. I hate talking about bad things because it makes them seem even more real.

"Her evil stepmother stabbed her and for a while it seemed like I healed her, but the cane hit her lung and that can't be repaired by magic obviously, so she needs a transplant, but we still can't leave town, which we have to in order to save her, so I was wondering if we could undo the spell on the townline."

"Why doesn't Whale just transplant a new lung into your friend?"

"He doesn't have good enough equipment."

"Okay. The problem is I don't have a spell or potion or anything else to undo the spell and I have no idea how to do it."

Seriously? Now she is giving up? When it's for her own benefit she always finds a way, but when my friend is dying, she is giving up?! She isn't a good friend now that I think of it. First she told me she wanted to kill my boyfriend just because her boyfriend is gone and now this...seriously?!

"You can't just give up! She'll die otherwise."

"I won't. I'll help you."

Oh good. I don't think I can do this all alone. I'm not that much of an expert with magic even though I can control mine when my hand doesn't shake.


"This is useless. How are we going to find anything? There is no solution in any of your books even though it's your spell."

"I'm afraid we should make a pause. We're both exhausted. We won't find an answer in this state. Goodnight Ms Swan."

There was a purple cloud of magic and Regina was gone. How can she just let me down? Ashley is dying.

Angry about Regina, I throw the book I was currently reading against the wall. It then lay on the ground and began to glow. The pages flipped and when I checked it, there was a page about undoing a spell like the one that is on the town line.

I smiled triumphant, picked up the book and went to the hospital.

Killian was sitting next to Ashley, who was sleeping peacefully.

"Hi, Swan. Could you figure it out?"

I nodded and sat on his lap, hugging him tightly. When we stopped our embrace we stared into each others eyes for what felt like an eternity. After that I kissed him sweetly. When we pulled away, we rested our foreheads against each others.

"I should go to the townline and erase the spell, preventing us from leaving, so that we can go."

"No. You will go home now and have a little sleep. The hospital theyll transfer her to is probably hours away. You'll need to be well rested since I can't drive that yellow bug of yours."

I smiled lightly at him. "Okay." I pecked his lips and stood up. "You know, one day I should give you driving lessons. You and Henry." if I don't die before that.

"Gladly, Swan. I'd do anything when it involves being with you." I smiled at him again and took his hook.

Killian brought me home. We were walking down mainstreet hand in hand. I could do that everyday with him, but unfortunately our future isn't that bright and long because I'll die. Its the fate of a Savior. I can't change it. The only thing I can do is living my life to the fullest now and that means making things, that make me happy. Like being with Killian and spending as much time with him as possible.

We reached my house. Killian turned to me.

"Goodnight, Swan. I'll see you tomorrow morning." He smiled and kissed me softly.

"Don't go." It was barely a whisper, but I knew he heard me. He was raising one eyebrow at me.

"What?" it was sweet when he was acting all shy and confused. It made me wanna kiss every inch of his face until my lips are bloody.

"Stay." I smiled at him. "Move in with me. I know everything in life is uncertain, but sometimes you have to walk out of the door and hope there's not a bus." He chuckled and I tried to find the right words to say. I don't even care if it sounds desperate.

"I mean...I have a closet full of red leather jackets. I feel like I could make some space for some black leather."

He looked at me with a face full of joy, relief and happiness.

"Well, when you put it like that, then I would love to move in with you."

Now I think my smile is as bright as his and we close the small gap between each other and kiss softly. At the end of the kiss we rest our foreheads against each other like we do very often.

I turn around and unlock the door. We both enter the house.

"Welcome home." I looked at him again and we kissed...again.

I was so thrilled. This is what I always wanted. And now I have it. Someone I love and who loves me back.

I had to break the kiss because I was smiling too big. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at my pirate through my eyelashes.

"I love you."

"And I love you, my Swan."

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