Chapter 24

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Killian's POV

Later at night Swan and I were finally home. She quickly brought her sisters family into the guest room and than came to me to our bedroom.

As soon as she enters the room, she smiles at me and lies down next to me. I smile right back at her and pull her in for a softly kiss.

When we pull away, I keep my hand on her chin and she leans into my touch. We just lie there, staring at each other, without a worry in the world. We just enjoy each other's company, but eventually Emma breaks the silence.

Emma: "Do you believe her?"

I raise my eyebrow even though I know exactly who my Swan means. My fake mother.

I can't really talk about this yet. I don't really know, if I believe her or not. I wish I could though. It would be nice to have her back.

It's bad, that I can't remember her much. Otherwise I would be able to tell if it's her by her looks. She can't have aged much due to living in the Land of Untold Stories.

But all I remember about her is that I loved her a lot and that she always used to sing me lullabies. Thinking of that makes me kinda sad because I do really miss her.

Swan notices my sadness of course, so she puts her hand to my cheek just as I have. Her other arm she puts around my waist, snuggling closely to me.

Emma: "I'm sorry. If you don't wanna talk about this, you don't have to. I didn't mean to upset you."

I shook my head slightly.

Killian: "You didn't upset me, love. I just can't really figure that out. I want to believe her, but somehow I can't."

Emma: "I know how you feel."

Now Swan seems upset. I don't like seeing her like this. I want to make her happy. Always.

So I pull her into my arms, hugging her tightly, while placing small kisses on her hair.

Killian: "You don't need to have trust issues anymore. I won't leave you. Not ever. And I also won't let anyone hurt you."

I feel Emma nod against my chest before she pulls away enough to look at me. She puts her nose on mine, staring into my eyes while I do the same.

Her eyes always remind me of Neverland in some way. Probably because there are a lot of green trees.

I'm really happy about that because Neverland is were we first kissed and when I first realized how much I care for her.

I did like her before that, but it was different then. In Neverland I actually started believing, that we might get a chance to be together. A chance at a happy ending and true love. And I was right.

Emma: "I love you."

I smile down at her and rub my nose against hers. It still shocks me in a positive way whenever she says that.

I helped to take her walls down completely. She opened up her heart to me. Completely. And that makes me a very proud boyfriend.

It takes a lot of strength to be that vulnerable. Especially with Emma's past.

Killian: "I love you too."

She pecks my lips once more before lying down on my chest again, snuggling deep into me.

Emma: "Goodnight Killian."

Killian: "Goodnight, my love."

I feel her smile against my chest and a few minutes later her breathing starts to slow down and get more even.

Killian: "Have sweet dreams, my Swan. I love you."

I kiss her head one last time before falling asleep myself and having a nice dream about Emma and myself.

I used to have a lot of nightmares of my brother and Milah, but all that changed when I met Emma. And I'm very grateful for that. She didn't just made me a better person, she also made me a far happier person than I'd ever been.

I guess that's what true love's all about.

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