Chapter 8

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Hi guys. I usually update this on Thursdays and I will continue doing that. But I decided to update today because it's Tuesday. And also in honor of Taylor Swifts B-Day. 🎂❤️

Emma's POV

"I have a sister. This Cameron everyone knows here...she's my sister."

"What? But you said you have no idea who that woman is. And it seemed like you were genuinely confused." And he wasn't wrong. He can read me like an open book. Thats one of the reasons I love him so much. We don't need words to understand each other.

"I didn't know then. I just found out. My parents kept it from me all those years."

"Your mother was actually capaple of keeping a secret? Shocking."

"Yeah. She is never able to lie to anyone about anything, but when it comes to me...she always is. She lied to me about Lily and now she lied about Allison. Am I so easy to lie to? Is it my fault?"

He shook his head. "No, Swan. It could never be your fault. I don't even know how someone could be lying to you. Ever. You deserve better. You deserve everything beautiful in the world."

I smiled at him and slowly leaned in, kissing him softly.

"That explains why you think I'm good enough for you." I smiled at him, connecting our foreheads and noses.

"No. I think that because it's true. You're probably even too good for me."

Regina once said that. Shocking. They actually agree on something for once in their lives.

"That's not true. Your brother even thought you're too good for me."

"Well he can be stubborn at times. Or always." He chuckled and their was a small smile on his face. He probably thought of Liam. It helped him a lot to see him again in the underworld. It gave him a closure, I guess. He still misses him though, but now he can live with the fact that Liam's dead. Better than before at least.

"Anyway...that doesn't mean he was right. You're too good for me. I'm a pirate, who did a lot of bad things in his life. But you still chose to take a chance on me. You opened up your heart for love. And that's one of the million reasons why I love you."

"I love you too. I always will. And let's just agree on the fact, that we're both good enough for each other. That we belong together and no one or anything in the world can change that. Not even death."

We both leaned in slowly, connecting our lips. The kiss started out softly and slowly, but full of love. Soon it grew more passionate by any second that passed. I stumbled backwards and Killian was now pushing me up against the wall.

We both only broke apart for air from time to time. Every single kiss grew more heated.

After thirty minutes or it could've also been hours since I lost track of time, I pulled away.

When Killian leaned in again after a few seconds, I removed my hands from his hair and put both of them on his chest.

That made him open his eyes. Our eyes locked and I didn't need him to say what's on his mind. I knew.

"We should probably get back inside. You and I both know what will happen, if we keep this up. And we can't do that. Not here."

He pretended to be hurt, but I knew that he knew I was right.

I gave him one last peck on the lips, before turning around and approaching the door. But obviously Killian had other plans.

He took my hand and pulled me back against his chest, kissing me senseless. Soon I ended up against the wall again. And we continued our previous activities.

That is until we heard a throat clearing. We pulled away faster than you could say "Magic."

Standing on the roof next to us, was Dr House. He raised his eyebrow.

"You sure you aren't Cameron? Because I caught her doing the same once too."

"I'm not Allison. She's my sister."


"You would have said interesting no matter what."

At that he turned around and left the rooftop. Leaving Killian and I alone again.

"Where were we?" I said.

"What happened to your previous opinion...that it isn't right to do this here?"

"Changed my mind." He smiled happily, approaching me. I leaned in just as I did in Neverland after our first kiss and when our lips nearly touched and his eyes closed, I ran towards the exit of the rooftop.

Killian nearly fell over and when he opened his eyes and saw me leaning against the elevator, he looked quite unpleased.

"Swan?! Come back."


"But what about our plans?"

"What plans." He isn't the only one who can tease. I flashed him a jolly smile and entered the elevator, which just arrived. "Better hurry up or I'm afraid I have to leave you here. Forever."

He quickly ran toward me and made it just in time. The elevator doors closed as soon as he entered.

"Well isn't this lovely. A small room. And we're both in it. All alone."

I rolled my eyes at him and hit him playfully on the arm.


"Don't be a baby."

"I'm certainly not. That really hurt, my love."

I chuckled and rolled my eyes again. After that I closed the distance between us and kissed him shortly. Just as we pulled apart the doors opened again and Chase and a woman, who seems to be a doctor too, entered the elevator.

"Cameron? I didn't knew you were here. What brings you to PPTH?"

"I'm not Cameron. I'm Emma Swan. Her sister."

"Wait what? But you said you didn't know her."

"Well I didn't. My parents never thought of telling me about her. They actually thought she was dead and wanted to spare me the pain. At least that's what they said. I don't believe them. Not anymore."

Killian then intertwined my hand with his. Giving it a light squeeze. He probably knew I was getting more and more angry while I kept talking about my parents.

"Do you know where she lives? I want to find her."

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