Chapter 30

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Emma's POV

As I enter Ally's room I'm shocked once again. I'm sure, that I would've broke down to the floor crying, if Killian wasn't by my side, keeping me steady. My hand flew up to my mouth, covering it.

Killian started running his hand up and down my arm. He then gave me light kiss on the hair.

Killian: "Its all going to be fine, Swan. She's your twin after all. You're both strong. The Evil Queen will bring neither of you down."

He gives me another kiss before I approach Allys hospital bed and look at her.

She's asleep and hooked up to many machines. Also she's covered in a lot of wounds. Her arm seems to be broken since it has a bandage on it. Weirdly it's the same side on which mine is bleeding. I don't think that's a coincidence. We must be connected somehow. Maybe the Evil Queen did it because she thinks, that Ally would be easier to kill.

Which is possibly true. She never really had to fight. I did, so I know how to defend myself.

I guess I have to teach my sister to fight as soon as she gets out of here.

After just staring at her for multiple minutes and worrying, I approach her bed even more and sit down on the chair beside it. I take her hand, close my eyes and focus. I try to heal her with my magic.

And try is the key word since it doesn't work. She only starts to bleed again. The Queen isn't dumb after all. She probably cursed her just like Ashley. She probably planned this all along. I can't heal her. No matter what I try because it'll just make her worse.

Emma: "I can't help her. The Evil Queen probably did this. It's the reason my arm is bleeding. She's planning something, Killian."

I stand up and face him. I know that he's worried about me even though he tries to hide it behind a fake smile. But I know him. I'm not the only one, who's an open book. He's the same to me.

Emma: "Im going to find her and she's going to pay for this. No matter what happens, I love you, Killian Jones."

His eyes fill with more worry and tears, too. He can't hide this feelings anymore, he which means he's very upset right now. I'm sorry to be the one to hurt him. I never meant to do that. I love him with all my heart.

Killian: "You can't just go out there, Swan. I know you could beat her, but right now you're upset. It makes you vulnerable. Please don't go. I can't lose you."

Emma: "I will go. I'm angry at her and I believe that that anger is a good weapon."

Killian: "Then let me come with you."

Emma: "No. This is a battle, that I have to win on my own. I won't let her hurt anyone else I love. I won't let her hurt you."

Tears were streaming down both of our faces. We were both scared. But I can't let fear control me anymore. I'm done running.

I lean into him and connect our lips in a slow and meaningful kiss. As it stops we still keep our foreheads together for a little while.

Emma: "Can you please stay with my sister? If anything changes call me. I need to know she's okay and you're the person I trust the most."

Killian: "Anything for you, my love, but that doesn't mean that I want you to go. Please stay with me. Don't face the Evil Queen just yet. I love you and I won't let her take you from me. We can find a way to save your sister and defeat the Evil Queen. We'll do it together. That's why she won't win this fight. Because she's all alone. You have many people, who love you. People, who will stand by you. You don't have to face her alone now. Please stay, Swan."

Emma: "That's the thing...she has no one to lose. I can't hurt her."

I pull my forehead from his and look into his tear filled eyes. It breaks me, but it also soothes me in some weird way because of the familiarity of his blue eyes. Whenever I look into them, I feel like I'm home. My home isn't some place, it's someone. It's Killian.

Emma: "Look...I have to do this alone. I can't let her hurt anyone but me. It would be selfish. I'm the savior-"

Killian: "And that means, that you aren't aloud to get saved by others. That's not true, Swan. It's okay for you to get saved. Actually the whole town would owe you that. And it's anyway not like you force anyone to help you. We'd all do it because we love you and not because we have to. I won't let you face her alone."

Why is he making this so hard? And what's even worse is, that I'm considering this. Why can I not just be that stubborn person I am, when I'm around him? Everything would be so much easier. I can't let him come with me anyway. If something would happen to him, I'd never forgive myself. I have to do this alone. It's the only way.

Killian won't let me do this alone though. So I have to do something, that I haven't done in a long time.

I hug him once again and put one half of my handcuff around the edge of Allys bed. As I pull away from Killy, I put the other half around his right arm. I go backwards fast, so that he won't be able to reach me.

Killian: " You can't do this. Please let me help."

I ignore him.

Emma: "I love you."

Then I turn around and leave the room. This hurts a lot and tears are streaming down my face in full force, but I won't change my mind. No matter how much this reminds me of the beanstalk. I need to leave him here. I can't take a chance. I need to protect him. He can't come with me.

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