Chapter 17

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Emma's POV

Ally wanted to talk to me, so we went to a bedroom, which I assume is her own due to the pictures on the wall. They show her during her childhood. I looked exactly the same at that time. It's kinda crazy.

"So what did you wanna talk about?"

"I need your opinion on something..." she stopped to take a deep breath. It's obviously something delicate. I don't know if I'm the right person in that case. I'm not so good at solving problems since I always run from my own.

"It's about...Chase."

"Then I don't know if I'm the right person for this conversation. I don't really know him, but we're not of each other."

"It doesn't really matter, I think. I just don't know who to talk to and you're my sister. We're twins, so we're supposed to act similarly. Maybe you can tell me what to do."

She seemed upset, so I decided to hug her. After that, we sat down.

"It's alright. You can tell me anything."

She smiled sadly and nodded.

"There's something, that I should probably tell him, but I can't really bring myself to tell him and I don't know what to do."

"Tell him what?"

"That Melanie is his daughter. I never really had the guts to tell him. It was a complicated situation. I came back to New Jersey for a day so that he would sign the divorce papers since he never did when I emailed them to him."

What?! They were married? That makes Chase's actions even wronger. He shouldn't have given up on her in that case so easily. My sister deserves better. But I won't let that cloud my judgment right now. She needs someone to listen to her and tell her what to do and I'll do that. Honestly. No matter how much I hate Chase.

"Unluckily there was a Lockdown on the hospital that day because a baby was missing. So we were trapped inside a room. All alone and that kinda resulted in us having sex. A few months later I found out, that it also resulted in a pregnancy. I never told him though and now he's here. I have no idea what to do."

"Listen, I think you should probably tell him. For Melanie's sake. I did the mistake of lying about Henry's dad and he didn't take it well. One day the truth is always revealed."

"You didn't tell Killian about Henry either? But the two of you seem so happy together."

I chuckled.

"Yeah. We are, but he isn't Henry's father. I only met him a few years ago."

Has it really been years? Wow. Time's flying when you're happy.

"So is Henry's father in his life? Or did he leave you guys when he found out?"

I don't know if I should tell her my whole history. We just met and I usually don't open up to anyone. Killian's the rare exception.

But with my sister I feel the I can let my guard down. She has a dark past too, so maybe it helps her, when she knows, that she isn't alone in that. Maybe it gives her hope when she sees, that I could get a happy ending, so she can find hers too.

And what do I know...maybe Chase and Melanie are her happy ending. Maybe he's different when he's with her.

"He isn't in his life. He's dead."

"Oh, my god. I'm so sorry. I know the feeling of losing someone. I was once married when 21, but he died of thyroid cancer."

That makes us even more alike. All my ex-boyfriends are dead too.

"I never told him, that I was pregnant too until Henry was 11. They both didn't take it well, that I lied to them. I told Henry, that his father was a fireman, who died, saving a family from a burning house. I didn't want him to know the truth because it sucks. I wanted him to be happy and I wanted to protect him, but it backfired when he met Neal."

"Why didn't you wanna tell Henry the truth? What is the truth?"

"When I met Neal I just got out of the foster system. I was 16 and on my own and I fell in love with him. I got pregnant. We both didn't know. One day he told me to get him some watches, that he stole. He told me to meet him at a spot, but he never showed. He sent the police an anonymus tip, telling them to check the place, I was in. I got arrested for his crime and went to prison for 11 months. During that time I found out, that I was pregnant with Henry. When I had him, I gave him away because he deserved to have his best chance and I couldn't give that to him."

Tears were streaming down my face. It still hurt to talk about my past even though I'm happy now. Allison pulled me into her arms and hugged me tight. I could feel, that she was crying too. I heard her soft sobs and the tears, that fell onto my shoulders. It killed me, that she was sad because of me. I never meant to hurt her.

I'm going to find a way to make her happy. She can come with me to Storybrooke and together we'll find her happy ending. She deserves it and I'm not going to give up. If there's one thing I'm going to accomplish before I die, it's her happiness. I won't fail. I can safe my sister. I love her even though I just met her.

We pulled away from our embrace.

"I can't tell you, what to do, but I think, that you should tell Chase about your baby. If he's mad, he's a jerk, but I don't think, that he'll react negatively. He seems like he cares about you and if he does, he wouldn't just leave you."

"When you're saying that, I should do it. I trust you and as you said, you hate Chase, so you wouldn't tell me to do it for his sake. But why do you think, that he still cares about me?"

"He kinda told me. He regrets leaving you."

Since when do I play matchmaker? I spent too much time around my parents. Around their love for hope. It changed me, but I think, that it's for the better.

Another reason for that change in me is Killian. He gave me hope with his love.

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