Chapter one

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*Beep Beep Beep Beep*

i threw a pillow at my alarm clock to shut it up! It's soo annoying to wake up to this sound every morning it gives me a migraine to even think about it. my door suddenly opens " WAKE UP ! YOUR FATHER AND I HAVE TO GO TO THE AIRPORT IN 30 MINUTES!" i hear before my door shut close.

Meet my mother, she has to drop me to my aunt Liz and Uncle Johns place before heading to the airport. She was yelling at me because she tried to wake me up at least 3 times. The first time was hugging me and kissing me good morning, The second was her warning me and  the third was her yelling at me.

After staring at the ceiling for a hot minute I get up and decide to go brush my teeth and take a shower before heading downstairs with my suitcase.

"Finally your up, your mother was going crazy saying that we will miss our flight again." my dad says messing my hair up.

"what do you mean Again?" I say pulling my hair up into a messy bun

"well we were supposed to leave yesterday but you wouldn't wake up remember?" he said taking a sip of coffee while looking at me warily.

"Oh Yeah!" I chuckled  remembering how they missed their flight yesterday.

"Finally your up !"  my mom said walking into the kitchen clapping her hand making and making  me jump in the process, Jesus woman calm down.

Once they dropped me at my Aunt and Uncles place they said goodbye a d drove off as fast as they could. Well they seem excited of getting rid of me. I shrugged and turn around.

"Oh darling! we are glad to have you back! we were missing you so much!" my Aunt Liz says hugging me. Patting her back awkwardly a whispered " um, okay that's enough." She pulled back looking at me with a teary eye while pinching my cheeks.

" well I didn't miss you" my Uncle john said making me roll my eyes smiling. " missed you too John. I walked pass them and climbed upstairs to my room

"What happened to my room!" i said staring wide eyed at the new decor.

"Oh well John and I thought to paint your room turquoise and white..Don't you like it?" she said worried

"I love it actually, the purple and pink wanted to make me want to stab myself in the eye "  I watch Aunt Liz's nose srunch up at my description.

"well dinner will be ready soon why don't you unpack your stuff while waiting" Uncle John said pulling Aunt Liz out with him.

I love to come at Liz and John's  place whenever my parents were away. My parents travel a lot for work so i'm often here at my Liz and John's place, But honestly I don't miss my parents that much, not that I don't love them. I honestly do, But here I feel more relaxed and here I don't hear my mom shouting at me as much.

I go on my terrace and breath the pure air around me,when i suddenly here shouting in the house next door. 

New neighbour's huh.

"Oh no you won't young man!" I here a woman's voice shouting.

" Fine then!" I hear before I see someone walk on the terrace which was situated next to my terrace.

I stared at the boy for a few minutes. " What you looking at?" he says

"You obviously '' I said looking away suddenly embarrassed.  I can't believe I just said that.

he chuckles shaking his head. " I'm Jason"

"Evie" he stares at me confused "my name is Evie" I say with a little smile

"Oh..Oh!, your the girl Liz keeps talking about." he says running his hands through his curly dark brown hair.

"she talks about me..? And how do you know my Aunt Liz" Okay that was the dumbest question ever! of course he knew Liz they are freaking neighbours.

"well we are neighbours and she drops me to school sometimes" he said and i awkwardly laugh and nod my head in understanding.

We stay in complete silent for about a minute

" Dinners ready !" I hear my Uncle shout. Thank the Lord I can go now.

" Coming!" i reply to my uncle " Well i better go..see you around?'' i said smiling at him.

"sure!" he says before I shut my terrace door and head to the kitchen. Phew that was a lot of socialising for one day.

"I met Jason" i decided to randomly say while grabbing myself a plate.

"Oh Good good good! because I will be dropping you and Jason off to school every morning." she said taking a bite into her pepperoni pizza.

"How did you even meet him? you were in your room." John says stealing one slice of my pizza.

"Hey! and I was on the terrace and I kinda heard shouting then he  stormed on his terrace" I say simply taking another bite into my pizza.

Once dinner was over I decided to help Liz to do the dishes

"awh thank you Evie!! Normally nobody helps me with the dishes" liz said while eyeing my Uncle,who raises his hands up.

I went upstairs and entered my room when I see Jason Laying on my bed ,I was about to scream and he rushed to me Covering my mouth with his hands while shutting the door behind me saying " Don't shout!God damn it Evie!'

"sorry? Wait what are you even doing here? and how did you come in my room without anyone noticing?" 

" well your terrace is next to mine so I just jumped on your terrace and entered your room.And i'm here because i can't stand my parents so I thought why not come here and relax" he said jumping on my bed.

" remind me to lock my terrace door next time.. Do you come here all the time to avoid your parents?" I said sitting on my bed next to him.

"yeah but John and Liz are cool with it" he said flipping through my magazines.

They are 'cool' with a boy entering their house whenever he wants?..

we stayed silent for a good 5 minutes and my aunt came into my room and said " OH there you are Jason! Evie i totally forgot to tell you that Jason used to sleep here when you weren't here, as you came back we gave him the guest room so you might be seeing him a lot here." she says smiling while she closes the door.

No shit.

if my parents knew that a boy stayed at my Aunt and Uncle I Don't think they will let me stay here anymore especially my dad.

"So Good night.." he said walking out of my room and entering the guest room.

I changed into my Pj's and decided to go to sleep.. Tomorrows going to be a long day.

Thank you for reading! 

this is my first time writing..i kinda feel nervous to publish this because i keep thinking that you guys won't like this book but if you do please let me know in the comment section :) also i apologize if there are some spelling mistakes i will edit out the mistakes soon.  ^-^

-xoxo kiternity 

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