Chapter 24

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This is actually not chapter was supposed to be chapter 23...i tried to correct it but it wouldn't let me soo sorry


"Wake up please!" I heard Jason say

"jason..."  i said sweetly

"yes sunshine?" he smirked 

"Fuck off and let me sleep!" i said before taking my blanket to cover my face.

"you are unbelievable!! you know that!"

Jason basically broke into my aunts house and told me to come with him somewhere..he said that he had a huge surprise for me.. the only problem was that it was 5 in the freaking morning!!

"but Jason it's five in the morning....cant you just wait till it's eight or something to show me" i groaned tossing and turning in bed.

"NO I CANNOT! NOW GET THE F OUT OF BED SUNSHINE!" he yelled into my ears.

I got up clearly annoyed and rushed inside the bathroom to get ready to where the fuck he is bringing me...

i threw a jumper with a pair of ripped jeans with my converse and headed downstairs.


"can you at least tell me where we are going?" i said once i entered the car

"Nope!" he said popping the 'p' and started to drive

I turned the radio on and there were some Christmas songs...didn't surprise me... at all.... it's like 4 weeks until Christmas so yeah. Would you believe me if i said i wasn't excited at all for Christmas?... because after Graduation and all that blah blah i have to head to university...then get a job, so Christmas was the last thing on my mind clearly.

"We are here!!" he yelled.. Okay i have never seen Jason this excited all my life.

i looked outside the window and saw this white building....he woke me show me....a WHITE BUILDING!

"OKAY YOU WOKE ME UP TO JUST SHOW ME THISS!" i started to yell..he cut me off by placing a finger on my mouth saying "Sush now...and follow me".

We entered the building and Jason was talking to some lady who was clearly flirting with my man.... i eyed her and got close to Jason.

"So here are your keys" she said winking at Jason.. Okay why do i want to strangle this women!..

"thanks!" was all he said before pulling me away from the lady and we entered the elevator.

"Is this an apartment building thing ma bob?" i said confused and he chuckled and nodded

"What are we doing here?" i raised an eyebrow questioning him, he told me to be patient.. once we reached floor 4 we exited the elevator and he took the keys the lady gave him and opened the door.

Once he opened it i was in Awe i started walking around the apartment, which had two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, a dining room , a kitchen and a balcony which was beautiful!.

" this your new apartment?" i asked him still looking around.

he chuckled and said "No's ours" after those words left his mouth i was completely shocked.. he said it was ours! 

"Wait you mean this" i said moving my hand around "Is OUR apartment.." he chuckled and nodded, i did want an apartment but to be ours i kinda wanted to help him pay the bills and all...i was about to tell him about it and he said

"I want to help me pay the bills and stuff  and sure you will" he said and i looked kind of surprised

"But don't you have tones of houses you and your dad owe? why buy this apartment?" i asked curiously standing in front of him.

"No my dad own those houses....i want to start working and make my own money...first we will both live in this apartment together then once we both saved enough of money we could buy us our own house!" he said wrapping his hands around my waist and kissed my nose.

"That would be great!" i jumped excitedly up and down..i was eighteen after all and i did tell my aunt that i'll be looking for a job soon to buy myself an apartment and she agreed.

"Plus after graduation we have like what a month till going to within those month i decided to apply for a job..." i said and he smiled at me

"What job?" he asked curiously

"You know how i love taking pictures...and by pictures i do not mean selfies....Well i decided i would start as an apprentice photographer" i said shyly because i never really talked to anyone about my dream job of becoming a photographer.

"wow! that actually sounds amazing! who knew that my little sunshine wanted to become a photographer.." he said pinching my cheeks and pecked me on the lips.

"how about you?" i asked intertwining our fingers and looked up at him.

"well..i'll just continue with dad's's a family thing but i don't really mind...." he said playing with my curls.

the only problem was university...

"Jason.. what about university..we won't be seeing each other for like months!" i said worried

"See i won't really need to go...after all i am going to work with my dad" he smiled

i smiled and saw his smile fade and sadness clouded his eyes.

"what's wrong..?" i asked concerned

"urm do you know where you will be going...?"

"Jason i'm going to the University that's downtown...we won't really be that far..."i chuckled and i saw him smile again..

I didn't want to go to the university's that would be far from home...But Carlie on the other hand is going to France....the day she told me that i was really happy for her...this was her dream after all but her dear dear boyfriend freaking cried his out eyes..cute right?


Jason drove me back to my aunts house and i completely forgot to tell her that i had been up since five in the morning, so as i entered my aunt saw me and i saw her eyes widen..

"wait..i thought you were sleeping?!" she said confused.

I explained her everything and saw her tear up but she accepted the fact that i wanted to move in with Jason and my Uncle threatened Jason and told him that if he didn't treat me right he would.......yeah lets just say my uncle threatening Jason was pretty scary.

I did pack my stuff but i didn't want to leave just now and be like "BYE BITCHES" how rude would that be.. so i decided to wait for the next day to move in with him.


"FINALLY I HAVE AN APARTMENT!" i shouted entering the apartment and dropping my suitcase on the floor.. Jason chuckled and swung me over his shoulders and we pretty much had a fun afternoon Unpacking...i know some people say that unpacking is tiring...but right now i did enjoy this little moment.

YAYY! i finally made a new chapter...i know i know it took a long time to update..i was being all lazy and let's just say that this week has been tiring...mostly decorating our house for christmas and all that ish

Hope you guys like this chapter!

Hope yall have a great day! Or Had a great day!

love you all ( for real thou love you xx)

-xoxo kiternity

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