Chapter 3

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"aren't they soo cute " i hear a female voice

"No they are not cute if he doesn't move his dirty little hands off my niece ill punch him" i heard a male voice say

i slowly started to open my eyes and yawn the first thing i see is Jason,His arms were wrapped around my waist and his hair was so messy i smiled and played with his messy hair.

when i suddenly i hear my uncle clear his throat, he seemed pretty annoyed i mean i would be annoyed if i saw my niece with a boy.

i get up and start talking non stop " THIS is soo not what it looks like! he wasn't feeling well so i brought him in the guest room and he told me not to leave him alone and i couldn't just leave him! so we kind of cuddled ! we did nothing wrong! nothing ! no kisses! i swear and then i woke up and i'm explaining this situation to you!" i say trying to catch my breath. 

they both start laughing which Caused Jason to wake up , he suddenly realized that my aunt and uncle saw us sleeping and cuddling each other and he started to talk non stop and i agreed to everything he said

" THIS ISSS Sooo not what it looks like! yesterday i had another fight with my parents! i got kinda drunk not really drunk though i promise! Then Evie brought me in the guest room as i was feeling lonely she stayed with me and we cuddled! but i didn't make a move on her i promise! i didn't kiss her ! promise and then i fell asleep so did she and here i am talking non stop....." he said rubbing the back of his neck.

Again my Aunt and Uncle laughed..we just stared at them

"i thought they were mad at us" i whisper to him

"i thought so too, but its the actual opposite" he whispers back to me

"Ahahah! you should of seen your faces you were like OO shit OOOO" my aunt said impersonating me

"and he was like and she was like nodding to everything he said like this" my Uncle said impersonating Jason

they went out of the room and shut the door, we could hear them  laugh till the kitchen we stared at each other and Jason said

" what just happened?"

" i have no idea" i say back at him, we just stared at the door that my Aunt shut.

"so Back to cuddling or what" he said wiggling his eyebrows, Again why is he being so nice.. Did Brent by chance tell him to be nicer to me i don't know...

i hit him jokingly and said " No you have a girlfriend remember"

"Candice Isn't really my girlfriend we just made out once and she started calling me baby and following me around" he said

"You didn't make out with her once you liar, each time i see you guys eating each others faces behind school well who hasn't saw that" i said shaking my head trying to get rid of the images in my head.

"well she's hot how can i not make out with her" he says winking at me

"Gross...anyway i better get prepared or i'll be late for school" i was about to go out of the room when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him.

"You know you want it" he says wiggling his eyebrows at me

i laugh and hit his chest playfully " in your dreams sweety" 

"Ooo i like that nickname what should i call you? Sugar bear? Cupcake? Sweet Heart?"

"ha-ha" i fake laugh and push him away exiting his room


Finally at school i saw Candice and Jason making out..I fake gagged and opened my locker to get my books for first period

The day went soo fast and hey i'm not complaining! i'm fucking glad this day is over!

Once at home i throw my bag across the living room " Ow what the fuck Evie" i hear Jason shout 

"ops sorry i didn't mean to hit you.. i'm just so excited !! it's finally Friday and i get to see Carlie! we haven't talked since last Friday!"

"can Brent and i come? we have nothing to do" he says playing with his hair which was kinda cute

"well i thought that Brent was going to hang out with the guys what happened ?" i asked curiously 

"well the guys decided to go to a party and we didn't feel like partying"

"Oh sure just lemmi text Carlie to see if she's okay with it"

Me: Hey Carlie do you mind if i bring two guys?

Carlie: Nah i don't mind plus when we go shopping they could carry our bags! and are they cute?

Me: When you will see them you will judge for yourself

Carlie: i better look hot then

me: You'll never change will you XD

Carlie: shut up and go get dressed

Me: Damn someone's Pmsing

Carlie: Oh shut up! 

"she said yes now just get prepared  we will be heading out in twenty minutes!" i tell Jason.


Hope you guys like my chapter 3!

Carlie is literally my best friend in real life but i changed her name shout out to my gurl who might be reading my book. and please let me know if i spelled anything wrong so i could go back and correct my spelling mistakes..

you guys can find me on 

twitter: kiternity4life

snapchat: kiternity

instagram : kiternity4life 

love you

-xoxo kiternity

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