Chapter 8

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I remember what happened last night at the mall, After he brought me back home i remember  that i cried for hours in his arms and that he kept on apologizing, i then eventually fell asleep in his arms.

When i woke up he wasn't here.. Was this all just a dream?

"You finally woke up " he said coming out of my bathroom with only his boxers on him.

i sighed, i'm glad it wasn't a dream..

"did you just take a shower??" i ask him yawning

"Yes i did! and your towels are so soft" he said drying his hair with my pink towel

"gross" i said making him chuckle, he tried to kiss me but i stopped him by pushing him away, he stood there looking  confused.

"my breath stinks.. you might not want to kiss this.." i said pointing at my lips,he laughed as i entered the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a bath, Once i was out he was still half naked.. His abs thou damn! 

"like what you see" he winked at me.

"yeah.." i admitted, he laughed and kissed me, i immediately responded back and deepened our kiss..

"Evie you should-" my Aunt stared at us

"Shit! " Jason said putting a shirt on, " I'm sorry Liz i-" he got cut off by my aunt who replied

"it's alright kids, just lock the door the next time, if your uncle saw this i don't think he would spare Jason" she  laughed and closed the door. Jason quickly locked the door and turned around "so where were we?" i laughed as he picked me up and sat me down on his lap.

"We are going to be late for school" i told him

"we are ditching today" he said kissing me again.

"no we can't, we both have a math test later " 

he sighed and said "well you just ruined the moment anyway"

"don't say that" i said playfully biting his lower lips.

"you're such a tease" he threw me on the bed and climbed on top of me and we made out for about 20 minutes...


Once at school he kissed my cheeks and went our separate ways.

"well you guys are back together" Carla said wiggling her eyebrows at me, i'm really starting to love this girl.

"yeah" i said blushing making my way to the french class.


At lunch i heard Jason calling me, I didn't want to go because his friends were there.

don't be scared of those douche bags ! I  heard my inner voice telling me, i eventually went to Jason

"what's up?" i told him ignoring his friends.

"this is Zack ,Trent, Dave, Harry and Kylan" he said...

"Oh so these are the dick heads that started the whole "bet " thing" i stared at them.

"feisty i like it!" Harry said winking at me.

i did a disgusted face and look back at Jason.

"Tonight is pizza night" he said pulling me on his lap

" YASSS" i shouted making his friends chuckle

"the dudes will be coming over to mine you can invite Carlie" he said playing in my hair.

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