Chapter 9

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When i went back at my aunt's place i saw her crying, 

"Liz?" she looked up at me and ran towards me and hugged me, her tears falling soaking my shirt.

"what's wrong? " i heard her sobbing i looked at uncle John who had tears in his eyes too, What the hell is going on!

"your parents....they.. had an accident" Uncle John said looking at the ground, my parents had an accident! 

"but are they....alright?" i said with tears flooding my eyes.

"your dad is alright, but they said that your mom is in the operation room" Uncle John said approaching me.

"they were coming back today and on their way they had an accident" he said once more hugging me tight.


~Jason's P.O.V~

I heard someone knocking at my door loudly, when i opened the door i saw Evie crying i immediately hugged her.

"what's wrong sunshine?" i said hugging her tightly.


"my parents had an accident on there way here" she cried out loudly.


Once at the hospital i was sitting in the "waiting room", i lift my head up when i saw Evie coming out of her parent's room.

"so? are they alright?" i asked concerned

"yeah they are alright" she cried hugging me

"shhhh, calm down" she eventually did and looked up at me

"thank you for driving me here" she said plopping down in my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Anything for you sunshine" i kissed her cheeks wrapping my hand around her waist.

we  saw  Liz and John run towards us " Are they alright?" i nodded and they sighed of relief.


~Evie's P.O.V~

Everyday after school i would go visit my parents, and today they are allowed to return home, They will be staying at Aunt Liz's house as we need to take care of them till they get better.

"and here's your room!" Aunt Liz said opening the guest room, the room was white and apple green.

"We don't want to bother you-" my mother said before being cut off by Aunt Liz

"Tsk Tsk ! the doctor said that you both need to rest especially you maria, you went through a bloody operation!" She said to my mom.

"if you need anything just call us" i added, my dad smiled and said " so.. who is this?" he said pointing at Jason" i laughed and told him he was my boyfriend to those words my dad said

"You better treat this princess of mine well" Jason chuckled and said "Don't worry she's in good hands"


"Jason can we go to yours? i don't feel like staying here" i whispered playing with his hair, we were currently in the living room watching Dance moms, well i was watching Dance moms Jason just kept on begging me to watch something else.

"Why?" he said kissing my cheeks which made me blush.

"because they keep staring at us" i said turning around pointing my finger at my parents, aunt Liz and Uncle John who were in the kitchen drinking tea, eating biscuits and watching us and making stupid comments like.

"Why are they so close to each other" my Uncle said

"if he keeps on kissing her i swear.." my dad said

"oh let them be !" Aunt liz and my mother said in unison which made them laugh.

i sighed and said " hey! weren't we supposed to go out on a date?" i asked him playing with his Curly dark brown hair.

"we were but then we went we had a fight remember" he said sticking out his tongue. he pulled me on his lap and added " we could go out later? "

"Yes please!" i shouted making everyone jump.

"okay but dress comfy and warm" i got up and and dragged him to my room and locked the door.

"God why do my parents keep on staring at creeps me out a little" i said plopping down on my bed.

"wait till you meet my dad.." he chuckled "Garry?" i said which made his jaw clench

"no not that dick! my actual Dad" he said messing up my hair.

"i wanna meet him" i moaned and jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist.

"soon" he winked and sat me down on my sofa and turned on my television,i sighed and decided to run myself a bath. Once in my comfy clothes, i went back into my bedroom and Jason wasn't there..where did that ass hole go again i let out a sigh and went downstairs.

"did anyone see Jason?" then i heard * BEEP BEEP* i looked outside the window to see Jason.

"that's my man!" i said heading out and felt something pull me back in the house

" Be home by 9" my uncle and dad said in unison, i nodded and went in Jason's black Mercedes 

" is this yours?" i said entering the car.

"yup my dad gave it to me for my birthday, did i forget to mention that my dad is rich?" he said chuckling

"yes you forgot to mention it but i personally don't care weather your poor or rich" i looked up and saw Jason staring at me.

"did i say something wrong" i asked worried

"No you said what i expected to hear" he said smiling at me before driving.


"are we there yet" i asked


"how about now?


i sighed 


"OH MY GOD EVIE SHUT UP! " he said


"YES WE ARE HERE NOW SHUT UP!" he said and i looked outside the window to see a huge house.

"WOAAAAHHHH" i shouted and he laughed opening the door for me "after you ma'am" he winked at me.

I got out and ran everywhere like a little girl

"Look at that pool! it's huge! Oh and look at that massive house!" i said running  everywhere,he grabbed me and said " you wanted to meet my dad right?"

"Wait you dad lives in this massive place?" i said my mouth forming a "O"

"yuP" he said popping the 'P'

we entered the massive house and i saw a man sitting in the living room..i don't even know if i can call that a living room it's fucking huge! then the man said " glad to see you Jason" and he looked at me and said "You must be Evie".

SO yall must be confused as fuck, i started the story with an accident and here 

 Evie is meeting Jason's dad.  Well i don't know what happened either my fingers just kept on typing and typing till i was like Da F did i just write.

Anyway hope you liked Chapter 9

hope yall have a great day or Had a great day

-xoxo kiternity

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