Chapter 10

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"You must be Evie?" he said

"Yes sir" i said stepping forwards.

"Call me Ron not sir" he chuckled and i laughed nervously.

"Excuse me sir, Dinner is ready" said a maid, Wait they have maids!! WOAHHHHHHH

"yes yes! " he said walking towards the dining room which was again HUGE! 

we sat down at the table and i saw tones of food "WOAHH" they stared at me before laughing... stupid Evie said that out loud damn it!

"so what would you like to eat?" Jason said smiling at me

"LASAGNA!" i pointed, again they both laughed and i was served lasagna.

"I'm surprise you didn't go for the salad" Ron said

"Salad? why would i eat that...well i do like salad but come on a salad wont fill this big old tummy" i said

Ron laughed and looked at Jason " you're right she's  one of a kind" i stared at Jason and he gave me a smile, never saw him smile so much.

I ate my lasagna really quickly, i don't care if i was not acting like a lady, i looked up to see them staring at me "what?" i said confused. 

"you ate that pretty fast...." Jason said still staring at me

"well i love lasagna! plus i could eat it all day long" i said proudly patting my stomach

"i don't believe you" he said in a challenging tone.

After a lasagna i ate steak,pizza,cheese sticks etc..

He stared at me " i cant believe you ate all of that its not humanly possible.." i winked at him and looked at Ron who was laughing his ass out, i stared at him before joining him.

afterwards dessert came, Loved it! 


we spent a good 2 hours at his dad's laughing our asses off! i literally love his dad! once we were about to leave his dad told me to come by anytime that he will be waiting for me with plenty of food for me, that made me laugh and love his dad even more.

"so.. did you enjoy yourself" Jason asked as he was driving me back home.

"yes i loved it! i love your dad!" he laughed and said "i knew you would".

the thing i didn't get is why did his mom left Ron to go and marry Garry Jason's stepdad, it made no sense i wanted to ask him but i didn't want to ruin this moment because i have never seen him so happy before.

"Mine or yours?" i asked smiling

"yours, i don't want you dad to kill me sunshine" he laughed and i joined in.

once in front of my aunt's  front door i kissed Jason Goodnight and went in when i saw my parents, my aunt and uncle on the couch staring at me, i closed the door behind me and finally had the courage to speak up.

"Hey.... What's up?" i closed the door behind me and sat on the opposite couch

"Dont "hey what's up me!" i told you to be home by 9 and look at the time!" my dad yelled

i took my phone out to look at the time, Shit! i'm in trouble... it was 10 o'clock

"i'm sorry..." i said putting my phone away and then heard a *ding* from my phone, i looked at my phone and saw Jason's texts message

Jason : sunshine whats all the shouting i hear at your place?

me: i'll tell you later xx

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