Chapter 6

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"Come on girl!'' Carlie shouted

"Carlie we have been running for about one hour!i'm fucking tired!!" i said trying to catch my breath. 

" Evie we have only been running for ten minutes not one hour! Come on!" 

 Carlie basically started to go exercise each morning because she thinks she is starting to put on weight and decided to bring me along.The thing is that i'm not used to this, we have been running for ten minutes but it feels like we have been running for one hour and everywhere hurts..when i mean everywhere it's everywhere!

"Come on you lazy ass gurl!" she said jogging next to me.

"after can we get you some Mc donalds??" i said 

"Evie! the point of running is to burn some calories! and no! NO MC DONALDS FOR YOU!" she shouted running in front of me.

Once i was at home i ran myself a bath because everywhere was hurting!! thanks to Carlie.. i swear she so much energy, while i'm here running myself a bath she said she will keep on exercising....

"Damn that was a good bath!" i said to myself plopping down on my bed.

"Ow get off you fat ass!" Jason said pushing me off of him...why was he even on my bed... and did he call me fat ass!?

"Hey I'm not fat!" 

"sure you're not" he said reading one of my magazines

"I'm am not!"

"whatever makes you sleep tonight sweet heart" he winked and went back to reading.

i wasn't fat right? i maybe should go exercising  with Carlie tomorrow..

"Anyway what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to helping your mom with the wedding?"

"I got bored!" he said placing the magazine down on my bed

"how about i come and help you guys out a bit?" i said combing my hair.

"Yeah you should at least i wont get that bored" he said wiggling is eyebrows


Once at his place i heard his mom yelling over the phone.


"Mom!" Jason shouted.

"There you are Jason! i really need help!" she said hanging up the phone.

"That's why i brought Evie'' 

"OH EVIE DARLING THANK YOU THANK YOU!" she said hugging me

"Can't......i.....i can't breath!" i struggled to say.

"mom!" Jason shouted.

"oh sorry darling! i really needed help thank you!" she said once more


"Hey Jessie!" my aunt Liz greeted Jason's mother.

"you kids go out a bit i'll be helping Jessie for the rest of the day" my aunt said

"did Liz just kick us out?" i said confused..

"pretty much..but hey i'm not complaining.. i got sick of picking colors" Jason sighed

"So what now?'' i said heading back to my place.

" we watch a movie and order some pizza?" he offered 

"Yasss! " i shouted and headed to my room.


"i don't like this movie!!" i said, i got up and turned the television off.

"HEYYY!" Jason shouted.

"Can't we watch something else! i hate scary movies..!" i shouted back at him.


i ended up on my laptop watching vampire diaries and he kept on watching that stupid film.

"come here" he begged.

"No i'm comfy here" i said laying on the couch.

"Pleasee" he begged.

"Fine!" i got up and plopped down on my bed besides him.

"so you made me come here just for a hug?" i said really annoyed.

"yea" he said playing in my hair.

"hey where is Brent? He usually hangs out with us after school.." i said

"he is on a date"

"OOooo! with who!" i said curiously 

"you mean you don't know? i can't believe she hasn't told you!" he laughed

"what?" i said confused

"He went on a date with your best friend" he said

"WHATTT! but Carlie didn't tell me anything....imma call her!" i grabbed my phone and dialed in her number.


"I did! but you kept on talking about dyeing your hair purple..." she sighed

Oh ops.... yeah i forgot about that "Oohh" i said and hanged up the phone and threw it on the couch.

i turned around to hug Jason he smelled really good.. i don't know why but hugging him makes me calm,and i love the fact that when we cuddle he play's with my hair.

"We going out tomorrow" he said

"wait like a date?" i said looking at him

"yer" he kissed my cheek 

I'm literally sooo HAPPPY!!!!!! I'm going on a date with Jason tomorrow!! breath Evie breath....

I know, i know this chapter was really short! 

by the way how do you guys feel about Brent and Carlie? i'm really curious to know.

And what about Jason and Evie??  Again i'm really curious to know.

love you all! have an amazing day! also i might not finish this book i literally have no more ideas..

(Don't mind the spelling mistakes.. just let it slide X) )

-xoxo Kiternity

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