Chapter 25

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When i woke up my eyes wondered into the room..Wait where the fuck am i? This isn't My usual room!

Then slowly i started to remember how Jason and i moved in together yesterday, i turned around to find him sleeping his hair was all messy and it made him look freaking cute! i lay down next to him tracing patterns over his abs..i could get use to waking up like this. 

"Morning sunshine" he smiled, his eyes still closed.

"Morning Gorgeous" i smiled and kissed him on his lips as he slowly opened his eyes, as i was about to pull away his arms snaked around my waist and he deepened the kiss i smile through the kiss and pull away.

"Well someone's in a good mood today" i said getting out of bed and tying my hair up into a hair pony tail.

"I could really get used to waking up to this" he said looking up and down my body it's only then i realize that i was in my crop top and black panties..Why? i have no idea..i always sleep like this to be honest and i know people don't sleep in crop tops but after we were done unpacking yesterday night i was way to fucking tired and was too lazy to change into my pj's which i regret because this morning it is currently freezing!

i grabbed one of his jumpers and slid it on, it went down my knees and the sleeves were really really really long! He looked at me before bursting into fit series of laughter, i just stared at him wondering why he was laughing.

"My.... jumper...... looks like it's..... eating you" He continued to laugh and i stared at him.

"But it's cute.." he said wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Yeah yeah..." i waved him off walking out of the room and headed to my bathroom to brush my teeth due to the horrible breath and the after taste... probably wasn't a good idea to kiss Jason in the morning...i'm surprised that he didn't die because of my morning breath.

I started to brush my teeth and saw Jason entering the bathroom and grab his toothbrush.. We were both brushing our teeth next to each other looking at our reflection in the mirror. Once done i shooed him out of the bathroom so i could go and take a shower, he pouted  before smirking and said "you know if we took our bath together that would save us some time and water".

"No that would do the complete opposite " i laughed and pushed him out of the bathroom.

"Pft fine.." he said walking off as i closed the door and locked it...yes i locked it who knew if he would come back in the bathroom naked..well i wouldn't mind the view..Did i seriously just picture him naked!?... Oh my god Evie you should go to church more often.

Once out i smelled some eggs and bacon, Jason must have made them if he isn't the cutest boyfriend i could ever ask for.

"You took your bath in the other bathroom?" i asked digging into the breakfast he made.

"Well..i kinda had too school starts in twenty minutes and when i tried to go back into the bathroom with was locked." he stared at me and i chuckled


Once at school Carlie who recently made a transfer to our school wouldn't stop annoying me.

"Wait let me get this guys..." she said pointing to me and Jason "Bought an apartment together!?" She asked out loud making half of the cafeteria turn towards us.

"Don't you people have better things to do!" Harry shouted to the people who where staring at us, making me look at him in shock usually he is the nicer one...maybe to the others he ain't so nice.

" for the one hundredth time YES we bought an apartment together.." i said shoving some pizza into my mouth making Jason chuckle.

" comes you tell that to me just now?! huh!" she asks in an offended tone and yes she was pretty much offended..i was so excited to move with Jason that i forgot to mention to news to my Friend and parents but as my parents are travelling most of the time it don't really matter and i am eighteen soo pfshh i'm a big girl!

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