Chapter 19

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~Jason's P.O.V~

"you fucked up man..." Brent said and the other guys nodded.

This morning i told them that Candice is pregnant and that it might be my child and long story short they where mad.

"when was the last time you guys fucked?" Harry asked pissed

"one month ago" i replied

"did you use protection..?" Dave asked 

"er duh!" i replied

"Then it's fucking impossible  that it's your child.." Brent said

"i don't know!" i shouted and started pacing.

"What if it's mine! what do i tell Evie!  'er hi Candice is prego and it's actually my child'. " i asked still pacing...

"Evie's so gonna dump you" Zack said and we all glared at him

"just kidding?..." Zack said rubbing the back of his neck.

i just kept pacing and pacing till Kylan shouted "STOP PACING LIKE THAT IT'S ANNOYING!... and go and tell Evie!"

i was really surprised that he shouted he was normally the calm one..

"Fine..." i sighed and  texted Evie and told her to meet me at the park.


(At the park)

"hey!" Evie shouted and hugged me and placed a sweet kiss on my cheeks.

"hey.. Listen we go to talk..." i said in a serious tone.

"Oh...yer okay" she said and sat down on the bench patting the seat next to her for me to sit down.

"First promise me that you're not going to be mad" i said 

"it depends.." she said

"Well this morning Candice and i had a talk..." she seemed worried and raised one of her eyebrows waiting for me to continue.

"She recently found out she was pregnant.." i sighed

"PFHA! i knew she would get pregnant one day..she spreads her legs to anything that walks..." she said

"And she said that it might be my child.." i looked at her to see tears in her eyes.

"When was the last time guys did the nasty" she asked fighting back the tears

"One month ago...before you and i were together...and before you ask yes i  used protection!" 

"then it's impossible.." she said standing up "I'm sure she fucked another guy and learned that she was prego and then just went up to you like 'your the father'....Bullshit.." she huffed

"That's what the guys said too.." i said

"what if it was actually my child...would you...-"

"No i would never break up with you" she said cupping my cheeks.

"what do we do?" i asked 

"well we could go to the doctors and see if it is actually your child" she said calmly.

"and if it was..?"

"i'll do anything to help you guys with that child" she said running her fingers through my hair. i kissed her and thanked god that she understood my situation.


hope you guys liked this chapter!! and can i just say thank you to those who have thank you!!

So leave a comment down below letting me know what i should include in the next chapter!! <3

-hope you have a great day! or had a great day!!

-xoxo kiternity

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