Chapter 16

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It's been already a week since i went back at Aunt Liz and Uncle John's place, Since then i haven't seen Jason much it's like he was avoiding me for some reason.

Today my mission was to find out why he is acting like this.

At lunch i saw him and ran to him and hugged him from the back " Hey you" i said, he turned around at didn't even look at me in the eye " urm..hey.. i got to go" he walked away exiting the Cafeteria.

"what was that all about?" i asked the dudes who avoided my eye contact.

"Guys? Okay why do i have an impression that you guys are hiding something from me?" i said worried.

"Oh! whats that! Jason's calling us...bye..." Brent said and the dudes nodded before walking away..


Maybe Jason wanted to breakup with me..

What if i did something wrong?

What did i do wrong!?

tears started to flood my eyes.


The guys avoided me all day...i guess i'll just walk home alone...or skate board alone.

I always kept a skateboard in my locker...Don't ask me why i just did, i felt like today it was about time i take it out and go skate at the park or something.

Once on my skateboard i decided that i'll go to the park that Carlie and i meet up at every Friday.

Once at the Park i grabbed my skate board and went to sit on the grass..

Why is everyone avoiding me..? 

I took out my diary from my bag and started to write

Dear diary, (10th November)

Today the guys have been avoiding me..i wonder if i did something wrong-

I heard my phone ring and picked it up i was really hoping it to be Jason.

"Hey Evie sweety" Nope it was my mom, she never calls me when she's at work but today she did.

"hey mom" i said 

"My motherly senses are telling me that you're not Okay" i laughed since when did she have motherly senses..

"You guessed it" i sighed.

"So tell me Evie what's wrong?" 

I ended up telling her how the guys were avoiding me and Carlie  that wasn't picking her phone.

"Hunny knowing Carlie i know she might be busy, And for the guys i don't really know what to say" i thanked her and she hung up.

I then realized that today was my birthday... Liz and John forgot i guess because normally they would prepare me a special birthday breakfast and Carlie might have forgotten too because she normally sends me tones of Happy birthday stickers.

i sighed and decided that today i won't be going home. what's the point..? My best friend forgot my birthday so did My mother who called me ten seconds ago and so did my Aunt and Uncle.

I'M GONNA GO TREAT MYSELF i took out my credit card that i haven't used since soo long as i always been saving money.. what can i get myself..?

LETS GO SHOPPING EVIE! i mentally shouted to myself

once at the mall i bought tones of clothes and high heels that ill never wear.. NOW WHAT i thought to myself...

why not  spend the night out... and guess what there wont be school for a week as a bunch of kids did a prank i'm not sure what it was but what i'm sure of is that it was pretty epic as there is no school for one week because of it.

Might as well stay at the Park for a night watching the stars and shit... And for those wondering why don't just head home is because i don't want to scream at everyone saying " YOU FORGOT MY BLOODY BIRTHDAY!"

I went and sat down at the park and watched the stars and sighed..

"what are you doing here alone?" i heard a guys voice, i looked up to see Anthony he is in my french class.

"Could ask you the same thing" i said still looking at the stars.

"well i come here at night to watch the stars..." he said

"Well my family and friends forgot my birthday and i decided to stay here then go back home" i said 

"well happy birthday Evie" i thanked him 

*RINGGG* i looked at my phone and saw Jason's number i sighed and Declined the call, He called another seven times and i still declined.

Anthony said goodnight to me before heading back to his place, *RINGGG* this time it was from Carlie, I declined the call.

Then My Aunt,Uncle,Mom,Das, Jason again, Carlie again, Brent,Zack,Kylan,Dave,Trent,Harry. I declined them all ans sighed feeling my eyes sting as tears fell down my cheeks... Everyone was feeling so distant. I was tired, my makeup might have been already ruined i got up and walked back home and heard noise.

I entered and saw them all here, i looked around the room and saw Birthday decorations...So they avoided me just to do a stupid surprise party.. this is why i hated surprised parties.

"Hey! where were you!" Jason come to me and i stepped backwards, they were all quiet.. i see my parents are here so they did keep there promise.

"Where were you young lady!" my mom shouted.

"Celebrating my birthday on my own." i said and watched as there faces frowned, i pushed past them i went to my bedroom and locked the door.

I know what you're thinking that i was acting like a bitch but they ignored me the whole week just to make me a surprise birthday but it wasn't really worth it.. I spent the day and night wondering why they were all ignoring me,what i did wrong, i felt like crap .....

The next morning i woke up about 4 in the morning. Why? To put all the decorations away... so that later on in the day i wont keep walking in the living room seeing decorations of the most horrible birthday ever.

i finished cleaning at 7 in the morning. "hey..." i heard Jason's voice... i turned around to see them all..maybe they just slept in the guest room..we have about 4 guest rooms so yeah..

I turned back because i didn't want to face them."we are all sorry we didn't mean to hurt you... we just wanted to make a surprise party for you, after all you did turn 18" Carlie said.

i didn't say anything...i felt bad..why didn't i just head home after school and we would all be happy today. i swallowed hard and took the box of decorations that was in my hand and placed it under the stairs sighing.

"I should be the one apologizing.. you did all this for me.. and-"

i felt arms wrap around my waist " I'm sorry sunshine".

i turned around to hug him and kiss him on the cheeks. " I'm so sorry!" i cried they all smiled and joined in the hug.

"IF you have to be mad at someone be mad at them... "she said pointing to the dudes

"They forced me to ignore you.." she said and Brent gently smacked the back of her head


hope you guys liked it!! i don't have much to say so..

i hope you have a good day! or had a good day!

-xoxo kiternity

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