Chapter 7

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"yea our date is at 7" 

"OH MY GOSH! i can't believe that you're going on your first date! you better tell me the details tomorrow girl!" Carlie screamed

"right! and i have to get ready for school,call you later love you" and i hung up my phone.

i applied some mascara,blush and lipstick and ran downstairs to grab my breakfast and headed out.


Finally it's lunch time,i saw Jason talking to his friends in the corner of the cafeteria and i walked towards him and over heard him say

"Guys,i don't think i'll be continuing this bet...i really love Evie"  rubbing the back of his neck.

i just stared at him and said " So this was all a bet?" tears fell down my cheeks till  everything became blurry.

he turned around and so did his friend, he took a step forwards and i took a step backwards "Please! i can explain everything to you"

"You don't have to..i get it... None of this was was just a bet" Everything now made sense this was why he suddenly showed interest in me.. tears fell down my cheeks,i turned around and walked out of the cafeteria.

"Evie!" i heard him call me multiple times but i ignored him and ran towards one of my favorite places, It was basically a flower garden. Yeah we have a flower garden in our school but no one really comes here apart from the students that are in the environment club.

i cried over and over till i heard a soft voice " you alright there?"

i lifted my head to see a girl with curling blond hair and hazel eyes,i think she is in my english literature class and art class

"No" i cried even more placing my hands over my face, i probably looked like a mess.

"I'm sorry" she said pulling me into a hug.

"for what?" i said sobbing

"i saw what happened in the Cafeteria" she said 

i pulled away from the hug and wiped my tears, "You did?, i feel stupid..he is known to be a player...but-" i couldn't finish  what i had to say and cried once more.

Once i was done crying she said "Carla" 

"what?" i said confused

"my name is Carla" she gave me a half smile, i bet she pitted me.

"my name is Evie" i said wiping my tears

*RINGGGGG* the bell goes off

"should we go?" she said offering me her hand.

"I think i'm going to ditch class" i said taking her hand and got up.

"Okay i'll cover for you, here take my number"

We ended up exchanging numbers and i grabbed my bag and went to Carlie's house,I texted my Aunt saying i'll be at Carlie's place

"what's wrong?" she asked concerned 

after i told her what happened between me and Jason she exploded.

"THAT SON OF A BUTTERCUP!" let's just say she's not good at swearing.

"HOW DARE HE!! IMMA KICK HIS FUCKING ASS!" okay maybe she does know how to swear.

we spent the evening talking about how boys were " Douche Bags"

"i'm feeling generous..imma buy you some Mc Donalds!" she said grabbing her car keys

"Gee..thanks" i sighed and followed her to her car


Once at the mall she told me if i was still up for Mc Donalds, me being me decided to go buy some pizza at the nearest pizzeria which was a bad idea,because few minutes later guess who came in... YOU GUESSED IT!  it was fricking Jason and his mother fucking friends (excuse me for being so rude but he deserves it)..

i just continued eating my pizza and i heard Carlie say " I wanna go punch him soo bad.. can i pleasee" she begged making puppy eyes.

"No " i said taking a sip of my coke.

"You're no fun..." she pouted

And guess who finally noticed i was here... YOU GUESSED IT! Jason did..

i could feel his eyes on me and when i turned around to look at him he froze and GUESS WHAT I DID? i showed him a finger... and he rubbed the back of his neck looking away, i looked back at Carlie to see her all red.

"what?" i said concerned 

"PFHAHAHAHAH!!!" she laughed hysterically 


"are you done laughing" i asked her and she looked at me still laughing and i couldn't resist any longer i  laughed so hard that it caused me physical pain and people in the pizzeria were looking at us like we were crazy, well we kind of are crazy after all....

Once out of the Pizzeria Carlie received a text.

"UGHHH got to go! my  mom just texted me, Apparently she fell sick so i got to go fetch her some Medicines".

After Carlie left i decided to go walk around the mall which was again a stupid idea.

"Hey" i heard a familiar voice 

"What do you want!" i shouted in anger walking even faster hoping that he would leave me alone.

"Can we just talk" He said Grabbing my wrist pulling me to him.

"What?" i said pushing him away from me.

" Listen it was a bet, i admit it! but slowly i started to fall in love with you and i'm not really good at this girlfriend boyfriend thing... i actually started to fall for you that's why i decided to go to the guys this morning to tell them that i didn't to continue this stupid bet because i really loved you!"

I stood there tears falling down my cheeks he considered me as his girlfriend?, i didn't know what to say.. i missed him! but i don't know if i should forgive him.

"I'm sorry!" he said wiping my tears and hugging me, "please forgive me!" he pleaded.. i sobbed and hugged him back.

"You're an ass hole!" i said crying probably wetting his T-shirt

" I know,i know" he said kissing my forehead.

I'm Back with another chapter! i'm so sorry it took so long to update.. i didn't really have time!... okay that's a complete lie.. I had written this chapter over and over again but it just seemed boring so i thought why not spice it up a little :3

-Do you think that Evie forgave Jason way too quickly? i don't know i'm just curious.

love you guys

-xoxo kiternity

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