Chapter 13

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"HE IS A... A!" Carlie shouted

"Come on, let it all out hunny" i said softly

"But it's not good to swear..." She said rubbing the back of her neck and i reminded her what Ched did to her and she shouted " HE IS A DICK HEAD!".

i clapped and said " Good good... and now that you're really angry lets go do your little ritual" i said wiggling my eyebrows.

"No! i decided to stop that!" she said eating her ice cream.

"Come on! i always wanted to egg his car! pleaseeee!" i begged

"Evie no! i promised my parents not to do that....again." she said i rolled my eyes and sighed. i always hated that part of her, She always listened to her parents which don't get me wrong is a good thing but sometimes it gets annoying.

"But he cheated on you! please!" i said literally begging her, i think she doesn't understand how bad i wanted to egg Ched's car.

"No!" she said once more 


Once back at Jason's the dudes were still her,  i sat down near them.

"Trent-y, Zack-y,Dave-y,Kylan-y,Harry-y,Brent-y ,Jason sweet heart" i said in a cute voice.

"OH NO! what are you going to ask us now?" Brent said

"Something none of you are allowed to disagree with" i said with an evil smile and started to laugh and mumble words to myself.

"Okay she's creeping me out" Harry said and Kylan agreed

"This is not good!" Brent said warning the guys.

"So.." i said innocently 

"Ched cheated on Carlie" i said in a sad voice and eventually fake cried.

" she okay?" Dave ask concerned.

"she is..." i said sobbing which made there facial expression soften.

"BUT I'M NOT! LET'S GO AND EGG CHED'S CAR!" I said half crying and laughing like a mad person.

"Okay she is really creeping me out..." Harry said

i wiped my fake tears and asked once more " So anyone wants to help me egg Ched's car?"

"I'm down" Brent said winking and me and i smirked back.

"Same" Jason said sipping his coke.

"SAME" the others shouted


"oh SHIT!" Harry shouted.

"shh shut up! you're gonna wake him up!" i hissed as we were egging Ched's car

"Shit shit shit!" he whispered.

"what is it?" Dave said.

"i just said it!" harry whispered

"What?" Dave asked confused

"I Walked in shit! Dog shit!" he said with a disgusted look on his face.

we all laughed and saw the lights in Ched's house turn on, WE all ran back in Jason's car and once at Jason's house we laughed our asses out.

"I love you guys!" i said laughing to the point where i'm grabbing my stomach to stop it from hurting.

"Get you're Fucking shoes out of this house" Jason said at Harry who step in dog shit.


The next morning i heard the bell ring, Jason went to open the door and we saw Carlie come in laughing.

" PFAHAHAH YOU EGGED HIS CAR!" i thought she was going to be mad but she thanked me instead.

"I WAS DOING MY MORNING RUN AND I SAW HIS CAR AND HIM SHOUTING ' WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK' PFHAHAHAAHAHA" she went on like a crazy person and headed outside to continue her morning Run.....

Jason stared at me and said "Liz texted me saying that you're parents want to talk to you".


Once at Aunt Liz place, i hugged both Liz and John and  so did they.

"So? what's up?" i said turning to my parents.

"Listen i know you hate us" NO YA THINK "But i promise once we are done with this whole thing" he meant signing a contract with a company at Australia "that we will be coming back in time to celebrate your birthday" my dad said and my mom nodded .

i smiled and said " You promise?" they nodded and i went to hug them before they headed out.

Well today's going to be a good day Carlie wasn't mad that i egged Ched's car and my parents that tell me that they will be back in time for my birthday.

OKAY I KNOW, I KNOW! that this chapter was really short but i have my reasons...the next chapter is going to maybe be slightly longer

hope you had a great day or have a great day

-xoxo kiternity

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