Chapter 20

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~Carlie's P.O.V ~

This morning Evie was banging on my door crying telling me the whole Jason story.. i'm not going to lie i felt really pissed at Jason and sad for her.

"I told him that if it was his child i would do whatever it takes to help him" she says blowing her nose. I was surprise at how mature she was being wanting to help Jason if it was his child.

i brought ice-cream and sat down. "thank you " she said

"Urm no hunny this is my Ice-cream go get yours" i said eating my ice cream.

"Your mean" she said getting up to fetch her own ice-cream and walking back throwing herself on the couch.

"So now we need to make Candice agree on coming with us to the doctors to verify if its actually Jason's child" she sighed

"Are you stupid?...Dont tell her it's about verifying if the child is Jason's!...if this wasn't his child and she just said that to make Jason come back in her life you really think she would agree!" i exploded

"True dat!" she said shoving ice-cream in her mouth and yelling " BRAIN FREEZE!!" gosh sometimes i wonder why on earth i'm friends with her but then i think huh why not.


"Oh soo this is to check the baby's health" Candice asked

"Yup" Jason said winking at Evie and i.

"So could you please go and pee in this" the Doctor said handing her a cup, she nodded and entered the toilets.

I really hope it's not Jason's i thought to myself

"I hope so too" Jason said while hugging Evie..Wait did i say my thoughts out loud again!! 

Once Candice came out of the toilet and handed the Doctor the cup, i prayed that it was just all part of her plan to get Jason back.

** Hours passed**

"So.." the doctor came out reading the notes that he had in his hands..


"This is unfortunately not your child sir" he said handing his notes over to Jason and we all sighed except Candice who realized that we just brought her to the Docs to check if Jason was the father.

"WAIT! YOU GUYS-" before she could say anything i slapped her and Evie and Jason stared at me.

"You little piece of shit! did you know how much my best friend went through because of you!!."

Evie stared at me speechless "SHE CAME TO ME SIX IN THE MORNING BANGING ON MY DOOR CRYING AND EATING ALL MY ICE-CREAM!! YES SHE ATE ALL THE ICE-CREAM!! AND SHE WAS PRAYING THAT THIS CHILD!" I said pointing to her tummy "WAS NOT JASON'S!!" i sighed and added "she ate all my ice-cream..... " i said sitting down tears flooding my eye...

And no people i'm not over reacting...

Evie stared at me and said " Hunny i'll buy you more ice-cream...i promise" 

"You will?" i said wiping my tears and she nodded.

"You girls are so dramatic....!" Jason said sighing and looked up at Candice as if he was going to kill her.

yer i know i know this chapter was dramatic af... but i swear my best friend in real life cries over food.. I remember when her bread fell on the floor and she started to cry about how she could of eaten it.... *Sighs*

Hope you guys liked this chapter

Also hope that yall are having a good day! or Had a good day!

-xoxo kiternity

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